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正面是由56个柯林斯式的柱子装饰。The facade is adorned with 56 Corinthian columns.

哥林多人怎样以自己的教义去为他们所作的事辩护?。How did the Corinthian justify their acts with their creed?

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他叫来底比斯的和科林斯族牧羊人来证明这个事实。He called the Theban and Corinthian shepherds to prove the truth.

科林斯柱式的柱头装饰更加华丽,刻有爵床叶饰和涡卷。The Corinthian capital is more ornate, with carved acanthus leaves and scrolls.

从这里你可以看到哥林多的某些“基督徒”对保罗的轻视。Here you can see the contempt that some of the Corinthian "Christians"have for Paul.

我从一个在拉斯维加斯的科林斯式旅馆做保安的朋友那拿来的。I got this from a friend of mine who works in security at the Corinthian hotel in Las Vegas.

的影响,产生的科林斯教会本书信,我们并没有明确的信息。Of the effects produced on the Corinthian church by this epistle we have no definite information.

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科林斯式柱型风格,较晚出现,采用带叶形饰的钟状柱顶。The Corinthian order, a later development, introduced lonic capitals detailed with acanthus leaves.

他显然希望他们之间的误解可以消除,回复亲密的相交关系。It was obvious that he wanted the love of the Corinthian Christians and the fellowship to be restored.

位于希腊的科林斯海湾地区,其居民认为自己所喜爱的海神波塞冬。Located on Greece's Corinthian Gulf, its inhabitants believed themselves favored by the sea god Poseidon.

科林斯的工匠和艺术家们制作出精美的陶器,销往整个地中海地区。The Corinthian artisans and the artists produced marvellous pottery which was then sold all over the Mediterranean.

富人花上成千上万美元建设非常庸俗的房子,还配有假的科林斯式的圆柱。The very rich spend tens of thousands of dollars building horribly kitschy houses complete with fake Corinthian columns.

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前面曾提到保罗为哥林多教会耽忧,而鉴于在哥林多前书里所写的,这种耽忧是有原因的。As noted earlier Paul was worried about the Corinthian church and forgood reason, given what was written in 1Corinthians.

在西方人眼里,蓝色穹顶是法国建筑特有的风格,石塔为城堡所独有,白色科林斯式圆柱则专属于希腊神庙。To the Western eye, blue-domed roofs belong on French estates, stone turrets on castles, and white Corinthian columns on Greek temples.

斯巴塞太太抿了一口茶,她那科林斯型鼻子的孔略略地张开了一下,她的黑眉毛稍微皱了一皱。Mrs. Sparsit's corinthian nose underwent a slight expansion of the nostrils, and her black eyebrows contracted as she took a sip of tea.

我们看到保罗情辞逼切地关心哥林多信徒的问题,同时也为他所传的信息和事奉竭力地辩护。We have been with Paul as he poured out his heart over problems in the Corinthian church. He had defended both his message and his ministry.

我们看到保罗情辞迫切地关心哥林多信徒的问题,同时也为他所传的信息和事奉竭力地辩护。We have been with Paul as he poured out his heart over problems in the Corinthian church. He had defended both his message and his ministry.

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它们是非常类似的科林斯柱阿坎瑟斯树叶出现在早期罗马艺术,尤其是首都的那些装饰。They are very similar to the acanthus leaves that appear in earlier Roman art, particularly those decorating the capitals of Corinthian columns.

当简,这个市里最著名的女模特优雅地沿着过道走出来时,响亮的掌声回荡在铺着地毯的柯林斯式的巨大房间内。A huge applause echoed in the huge carpeted and Corinthian room as Jane, the most celebrated female model of the city gracefully walked along the pathway.

那是个巨大的方形木制建筑物,企口接缝的墙壁涂成淡绿色和白色,一道科林斯式的圆柱门廊,窗与窗之间是刻有四槽的半露柱。It was a large square wooden structure, with tongued and grooved walls painted pale green and white, a Corinthian portico, and fluted pilasters between the windows.