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基里巴斯的自然资源非常稀少。Kiribati has few natural resources.

基里巴斯预计人口达到103,000人。Kiribati has an estimated population of 103,000.

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基里巴斯人口约10万人,散布于33个珊瑚礁岛。Kiribati population of about 100,000, scattered in 33 coral islands.

类似的趋势也发生在邻居基里巴斯共和国身上。Similar trends were observed in the neighbouring Republic of Kiribati.

2004年的夏季奥运会是基里巴斯第一次参加奥运比赛。The 2004 Summer Olympics were the first for the island nation of Kiribati.

基里巴斯国内外都提供中学以上的教育和培训。Post-secondary education and training are available both in Kiribati and overseas.

基里巴斯国的两个无人岛特布·塔拉瓦和阿巴尼亚在1999年被海水淹没,已经消失了。Two uninhabited Kiribati islands, Tebua Tarawa and Abanuea, disappeared underwater in 1999.

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基里巴斯的民间音乐相对于其他太平洋岛国文化来说,仍然很少受西方文化的影响。Kiribati folk music remains less affected by Western culture than most other Pacific island cultures.

现代基里巴斯的公众表演,通常都是很多都是一支坐着的合唱队,并使用吉他伴奏。Public performances in modern Kiribati are generally performed by a seated chorus, accompanied by a guitar.

基里巴斯民间音乐总体上基于伴随身体撞击声得着歌颂或其他形式的vocalizing。Kiribati folk music is generally based around chanting or other forms of vocalizing, accompanied by body percussion.

我问纳卡拉基里巴斯政府是否考虑过接受一笔费用来代替海域使用费,好让那些野生鱼类可以留在海中?I asked Nakara if Kiribati might consider receiving a payment in lieu of the access fees to leave the fish in the water.

基里巴斯电台报导说,塔拉瓦岛多处遭遇洪水,连接各小岛的堤道也被海水淹没。Radio kiribati reported that many parts of tarawa were flooded and causeways linking the islets were covered with seawater.

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今天首集的专题中,要带大家看看,位在太平洋低海平面的岛屿,受海平面上升影响的吉里巴斯。And in the first of a new series, we investigate the effect of rising sea levels on the low lying Pacific islands of Kiribati.

他离开了公寓和奢华的餐馆,去到位于中太平洋的基里巴斯共和国,住进小茅屋,吃着鱼和米饭。He headed to Kiribati in the Central Pacific, swapping the condo for a small stick hut and swanky restaurants for fish and rice.

基里巴斯是个太平洋上的岛国,主要以把鸟粪制造成肥料为生。该国在1956年成立了基里巴斯收益平衡储备基金。Kiribati, a Pacific island country that mined guano for fertiliser, set up the Kiribati Revenue Equalisation Reserve Fund in 1956.

斯托再次表示愿积极发展同中国的互利合作并不断加强两国人民的友谊。Tito restated that Kiribati would further boost the mutual beneficial cooperation with China and the friendship between the two peoples.

他笑着说,既然他的国家能从“渔业维持许可”中不断获得收入,“那对基里巴斯就太有利了。”He smiled and said, "This could be good for Kiribati"—as long as his nation could keep receiving income from the "reverse fishing license.

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斯托说,基中建交22年来,中国一直给予基里巴斯援助和支持,他感谢中国对基里巴斯的友好情谊。Tito expressed his thanks for China's assistance and support for Kiribati in the past 22 years and China's friendly feelings towards Kiribati.

在太平洋的的低漥岛吉里巴斯,蔬菜很难取得,大部分的居民怎麽买得起这样的价格?Fresh vegetables used to be hard to come by in the low-lying Pacific islands of Kiribati. Most people could not afford the food that we all take for granted.

中国全国人大重视发展与基里巴斯议会的友好关系,愿进一步加强交往与合作,为两国关系的发展作出新的贡献。He said that the NPC values its friendly ties with the Kiribati parliament, and will further strengthen their exchanges and cooperation to boost bilateral relations.