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目的探索假体隆乳的一种新方法。Objective To explore a new method of breast augmentation.

军队扩编是沿着传统路线开始的。The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines.

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不慎触及了可能触及之物应倍增尊敬。The possibility of hurting should inspire an augmentation of respect.

2010年3月,美国海军向国会提交一份超高频扩充计划。In March 2010, the Navy submitted a UHF augmentation plan to Congress.

好几年前,我的一个朋友做了一个隆胸手术。Quite a few years ago, a friend of mine had breast augmentation surgery.

如果胸部小或者形状不好,我们需要做丰胸手术吗?To have augmentation mammaplasty if our breast are small or not good shape?

毫不奇怪,全是“变大”——丰唇术,就是它。Not surprisingly, it was all about augmentation — lip augmentation, that is.

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他曾经遇到过一个患者,是一位年轻的妈妈,20来岁的样子,做了隆胸手术。He once had a patient, a young mother in her 20s, who got a breast augmentation.

患者应用骨水泥行经皮椎体成形术。The patients received percutaneous vertebroplasty with bone cement augmentation.

这是一个非常常见的问题是妇女谁正在考虑隆乳。This is a very common question by women who are considering breast augmentation.

假如不增加食品援助,很多问题将会出现。If there isn't an augmentation of the food supply, you're going to see some problems.

目的介绍用鼻中隔软骨充填整复驼峰鼻的方法。Objective To introduce a new method of septal cartilage augmentation for hump nose plasty.

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隆胸术的流行程度12年来首度超过吸脂术。For the first time in 12 years, liposuction is a runner-up in popularity to breast augmentation.

那么我们能做些什么呢?如果胸部小或者形状不好,我们需要做丰胸手术吗?What we can do then? To have augmentation mammaplasty if our breast are small or not good shape?

我们必须澄清一下,这个卡槽其实并非大家所期待可以成为储存空间扩充的希望。But, we must make it very clear that this is not the storage augmentation you might be hoping for.

维尔医生承认,隆胸是他最喜欢做的手术,他后退一步欣赏刚刚出于自己之手的杰作。Dr Viel, who admits breast augmentation is his favourite procedure, steps back to admire his work.

吸脂隆胸手术后血肿、血清肿及其并发徵、后遗症等。Liposuction breast augmentation hematoma, seroma and concurrent symptoms, complications and so on.

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女为悦己者容,伊丽莎白为了投其所好,决定去做隆胸手术。Women who have capacity for Yue, Elizabeth to match up, decided to do breast augmentation surgery.

它提供了各种技术以进行消息转换、路由和扩充。It provides a variety of technologies to perform message transformation, routing, and augmentation.

应用研究获得的推力增强机理提出了实验样机构型的改进方案。By applying the obtained thrust augmentation mechanism, an improved RBCC configuration was proposed.