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你是社交变色龙吗?Are You a Social Chameleon?

变色龙觉得饿极了。But the chameleon was very mixed-up.

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咖喱粉在餐桌上是多变的。Curry is the chameleon on the table.

放在镜子上的变色龙是什么颜色的?What color is a chameleon placed on the mirror?

怯懦的变色龙则在能容它之处寻找荫蔽。Chameleon cowards bask in whatever shade suits them.

镜子上的变色龙是一个完全开放的系统。The chameleon on the mirror is a completely open system.

变色蜥蜴因能与环境融为一体而生存下来。The chameleon survives by blending in with its background.

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对他人观点接纳程度高的人会表现出更多的变色龙效应么?Do high-perspective-takers exhibit the chameleon effect more?

可是,到了秋天树叶变黄了,于是变色龙也变成黄色。But in autumn the leaf turned yellow and so did the chameleon.

我们都是生物学家,便转而讨论这让人难以捉摸的变色龙。Both of us being biologists, we swerved to follow the elusive chameleon.

全度妍是韩国影坛著名的变色龙,她演各种角色都很投入。Jeon is known as a chameleon of Korean cinema, who fully inhabits her roles.

她真漂亮,我敢打赌,这是全世界最漂亮的变色龙。She is very beautiful, I bet this is the most beautiful in the world chameleon.

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肥硕的国王变色龙懒洋洋地躺在树枝上,滴溜溜地扫视着四周,寻觅着晚餐。A fat Parson's chameleon lies lazily on a branch, beady eyes scanning for dinner.

然后冬天的风把叶子从树枝上吹落了,变色龙也跟着掉了下来。And then the winter winds blew the leaf from the branch and with it the chameleon.

负责布雷的变色龙机器人被派去用炸药摧毁洞穴。Mine-laying chameleon droids were dispatched to demolish the caves with explosives.

从舌头到尾巴,变色龙有一大堆特点。Plenty! From its tongue to its tail the chameleon offers a storehouse of specialities.

沃尔纳德斯基将生命明确地比作石头镜子上的变色龙,这个说法得罪了两方人。In articulating life as a chameleon on a rocky mirror, Vernadsky committed heresy on two counts.

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因为这微乎其微的变色龙太细小了,以至于它爬在人类的手指甲上还有空间剩余。For this miniscule chameleon is so small that it can sit on a human thumbnail with room to spare.

变色龙型以适配组织文化的方法来领导下属。Management who is chameleon style will lead followers through the adapter of organization culture.

变色龙对自身映像变化的反应恰似人类世界对时尚变化的反应。The chameleon responding to its own shifting image is an apt analog of the human world of fashion.