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第三支百合的根撑破我的嘴。The third one's roots lacerate my mouth.

求脚掌割破的治疗方法和常识?Seek the remedial method of sole lacerate and common sense?

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角太尖了,它们会划破裙子,而且擦伤了我的脸。They are sharp and will lacerate skirts, and they bruised my face.

绿色的叶片正面干燥,对星状裂深深撕裂状的鳞片。Leaf blade adaxially drying green, scales deeply lacerate to stellatelydivided.

割裂的流血效果受攻击强度的加成。The bleed effect of " Lacerate " now increases in potency with greater attack power.

猫必须伸出爪子去抓挠国王,撕破他们帝王式的自命不凡。The cats must unsheath their claws and lacerate the kings, ripping away their regal pretensions.

另外还有防盗性能,玻璃割破还有铁丝网阻挡。Still have property of guard against theft additionally, vitreous lacerate still has abatis to hold back.

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钟声划破宁静,欢乐荡漾四方,又一个洁白的圣诞,多么令人向往。Ding lacerate is halcyon, joy ripples all directions, another white Christmas, how to make a person yearning.

由于它的硬度,它是没有用处的长期输液的针头可能划破静脉。Because of its rigidity, it is not useful for long term fluid administration as the needle may lacerate the vein.

其实田尊也只是装死,他暗中正用小刀割裂捆绑他的麻绳,准备伺机逃走。In fact and also just pretend death field, he is secretly with a knife lacerate bound his hemp rope, ready to opportunists escape.

原本甜蜜浪漫的蜜月,随着玫瑰楼里那个神秘活死人的觉醒,被彻底撕碎。Originally the honeymoon of sweet romance, as the arousal of the dead of that mysterious work in rose building, by thoroughly lacerate.

从自由到东格林斯堡,距离二十五英里,没有一个是在视线从列车并没有侮辱和伤害眼睛。From East Liberty to Greensburg, a distance of twenty-five miles, there was not one in sight from the train that did not insult and lacerate the eye.

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所有AS泵均装有经调整好的撕裂机构能将污水中长纤维、袋、带、草、布条等撕裂后排出。All ASs pumps all loads warp adjustment good Lacerates the organization ability incites to action long fibre , bag , belt , grass and cloth in the foul water etc Lacerate the back row.