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凯西向艾凡回报。Kathy reports back to Evan.

现在回到埃文和瑞秋。So now back to Evan and Rachel.

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艾凡再次确认他们的回程班机。Evan reconfirms their return flight.

埃文又问道,不想让她走开。Evan called again, not wanting her to go.

“看星星,”埃文冷冷地说。"Looking at the stars, " Evan said coldly.

凯西和艾凡在海关大楼里面。Kathy and Evan are inside the customs building.

艾凡在哥本哈根的青年旅社登记住房。Kathy and Evan check into the Copenhagen Hostel.

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艾凡在柜台向凡‧赫尔辛太太办理退房。Evan checks out at the counter with Mrs. Van Helsing.

艾凡打了一通电话到荷航。一位地勤人员接听。Evan places a call to KLM. An agent answers the call.

埃文,你喜欢爵士乐吗?让我为你奏一曲。Do you like jazz, Evan? Let me play something for you.

Evan修改了对于线程的支持,并且添加了一些优先级别。Evan fixed our Thread support and added some preemption.

埃文·马海尼。我住的地方离这里三个街区,在克罗顿街。Evan Mahoney. I live three blocks away, on Croton Street.

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艾凡,这件事我真的很抱歉。我一定是个败事有余的人!I'm really sorry about this, Evan. What a pain I must be!

凯西和艾凡正在席波机场等候办理登机。Kathy and Evan are at Schipol Airport waiting to check in.

艾凡正在海关处,海关官员询问他几个问题。Evan is at customs. The customs officer asks some questions.

我是上帝。洪荒将至,我希望你——埃文巴克斯特,去建造一艘方舟。Flood's coming and I want you, Evan Baxter , to build an ark.

“那你们的父亲呢?”埃文又问道,不想让她走开。"Where's your dad?" Evan called again, not wanting her to go.

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凯西‧曼宁斯和艾凡‧怀汀正在讨论毕业计画。Kathy Mannings and Evan Whiting are discussing graduation plans.

凯西和艾凡登上飞机。他们遇见一名女空服员。Kathy and Evan board the aircraft. They are met by a stewardess.

徐晓熙以经济和社会学专业毕业于美国伯克利加州大学。Evan graduated from UC Berkeley with Economics and Sociology majors.