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何为旋钮和管道式布线?What is knob and tube wiring?

标准布线长度90米。And standard wiring length 90m.

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尼桑240sx斯特里奥接线图。April 240sx stereo wiring diagram.

拆下分电盘盖和电线。Remove the distributor cap and wiring.

电机不转检查断路器及电机接线。Check motor wiring and circuit breaker.

控制工业机器人的配线盒。Control Box wiring of Lndustrial Robot.

安装分电盘盖和电线。Install the distributor cap and wiring.

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电工笨拙地做接线工作。The electrician bungled the wiring job.

不要乱弄供电线路。Don't meddle with the electrical wiring.

宜兰线上的奥地利制架线工程车群。A series of Austrian made wiring vehicles.

会前电源测试、线路连接检查。Pre-power up tests, wiring connection checks.

您能告诉我关于电汇费的问题吗?Can you tell me something about the wiring fee?

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这右边锋顶了一个非常好的头球。Right at the demo, all of my wiring shorted out.

另外,请避免使用硬连接的流循环。Also avoid looping of the flow using hard wiring.

本公司可以提供铝合金线槽来满足布线需要。Our company can provide aluminum slot for wiring.

机架内有充足的布线,走线空间。Sufficient wiring and feeding space in the frame.

机器配线用高频同轴电缆“,”High Frequency Coaxial Cable for Appliance Wiring.

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松开基本车门框架的线束。Releasing wiring harness from the basic door frame.

请格外小心以免损坏线束。Take extra care not to damage the wiring harnesses.

一名电工开始给办公室接电灯线。An electrician started wiring the office for hights.