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表达性艺术治疗,In Expressive Arts Therapy,

模式富有表达力。Patterns can be expressive.

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啊!模糊的景物,表情丰富的夜晚!Hail! shadowy forms of still, expressive Eve!

肚皮舞是一种舞蹈的表现形式很。Belly dancing is a very expressive form of dance.

它是一种表现异域风情的健身操和舞蹈。It is expressive dance as well as exotic fitness.

表达性失语症的严重程度各个不一。Severity of expressive aphasia varies among patients.

巨蟹女大而富于表情的眼睛常常引人注目。The Cancer woman is attractive with large, expressive eyes.

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表情丰富的脸上,眼睛亮的不寻常。On his expressive face, his eyes are extraordinarily bright.

一个湖是风景中最美、最有表情的姿容。A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature.

运用卓越,适中和富有表现力的颜色,那样就很高效。Excellent, modest and expressive use of colors. That’s effective.

其表达功能与重叠式的时间特征有密切关系。Its expressive function is closely connected with the time feature.

她不大说英语,但她那富有表情的眼睛,助人为乐的行为胜过语言。But her expressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.

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绰号是文学创作中一种富有表现力的艺术手法。Nicknaming is an expressive technique of art in the literary creation.

开发人员相信这种情感机器人能够应用于护理领域。Developers believe that this expressive robot could be used in nursing.

他的画富有一种新的表达力显示出更敏锐的洞察力。His painting rose to a expressive ness and revealed a shrewder insight.

而是使用uid对象来引用UI元素,从而更具表现力。The object uids are used to reference UI elements, which are expressive.

你想要一个更富于表达的伴侣,但你却想控制他们表达的内容。You want a more expressive spouse, but want to control what they express.

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lift是一个用于开发Web应用的表达力强大而优美的框架。lift is an expressive and elegant framework for writing web applications.

低音浑厚透切、人声表现力突出、高音明亮。Bass vigorous through cut, expressive voice is prominent, the high bright.

馥郁的红浆果和轻微新鲜覆盆子的芳香相交织。The wine offers expressive red-berry aromas and a fresh hint of raspberry.