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管理主义和宪政主义是贯穿于公共行政发展中的两条线索。Managerialism and constitutionalism are two clues during the public administration development.

随着管理主义取代凭直觉和经验去承担风险,动力会逐渐减弱。Motivation is gradually diluted as managerialism takes over from seat-of-the-pants risk-taking.

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这也是一些大学的做法,特别是后92年的,其特点是由一个强大的管理主义。This is also the approach adopted by some universities, especially post '92 ones, which are characterised by a strong managerialism.

2004年,我国政府提出建设“服务型政府”的口号,实现了对管理主义理论的超越。In 2004, the Chinese government raised the slogan of building the "Service-oriented Government", which surpassed the theory of Managerialism.

运用于公共行政中的管理主义不仅有管理学的来源,更有哲学方法论上的渊源。The managerialism in the public administration did not merely has derived from management, there is origin on philosophy methodology even more.

本研究从新管理主义这一分析视角入手,对西方国家这段时期以来高等教育新管理主义改革模式展开研究。From the perspective of new managerialism, this research undertakes an exploration into reforms of new managerialism model in higher education initiated in 1980 s.

20世纪70年代,针对官僚制的弊端,西方发达国家发起了以“管理主义”为旗帜的“政府再造”运动。In the l970s, the western developed countries launched the movement of "Government Reinventing" under the banner of "Managerialism" against the defects of Bureaucracy.

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作为治理主义实践的产物,政府绩效评估是当前公共治理研究与实践领域的重要课题。As a product of the managerialism practice, the government performance evaluation is an important topic in the areas of the public administration studies and practices currently.

而在大学班级管理中推行契约式管理模式,可以较好地克服管理主义的不足,在一定意义上能够满足教育的价值使命。However, creating a contract management mode in college classes can not only help get rid of managerialism but also fulfill the mission of education in values to a certain extent.

政策转变,使得欧洲各国汉学研究机构感受到随经济挂帅、管理优先、功利主义至上等思维而来寒风。The changes of policies with which institutions throughout Europe have to contend set the scenario in which Sinology feels the cold wind of economy, managerialism and utilitarianism.

本文关注当代公共管理改革中的三个悖论,即全球化的悖论,不良改革景象的悖论和管理主义的悖论。This paper focuses on three paradoxes in today's public management reform, which are paradox of globalization, paradox of successful failure and paradox of half-hearted managerialism.

本文首先回顾了管理层收购动机理论,经典理论认为管理层收购具有投机性动机、掠夺性动机、管理主义动机以及明晰产权动机。This paper has reviewed the motive theory of MBO at first, the classical theory argues that MBO has speculation motive, raid motive, managerialism motive and distinct property right motive.