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最后探讨阜新市社会脆弱性的主要影响因素。The paper discusses the major causes of the frangibility in Fuxin city.

由于农业的弱质性和多功能性,各国普遍对农业实施农业国内支持政策。Agricultural domestic support policies, owing to agricultural frangibility and multifunction, were introduced to most countries.

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毫米波铁氧体移相器由于尺寸很小,铁氧体材料的脆性很大给加工和装配这种移相器带来很大困难。It is difficult to manufacture and assemble MMW ferrite phase shifter for the small size and the frangibility of ferrite material.

但天然磷脂作为脂质体膜材,由于其寿命短、易被氧化、稳定性差等缺点,应用受到限制。The usage of natural phospholipids was limited for the disadvantages of short life, frangibility to oxidation and less stableness.

指出电子证据具有依赖性、高科技性、多样性、可分离性、隐蔽性和脆弱性的特点。Herein, we point out that electronic evidence has dependency, high-tech, multiplicity, separability , concealment and frangibility.

银行危机内生于银行的构建,其承担的储蓄转投资的功能决定了银行的脆弱性。The construction of bank causes bank crisis because its function of changing savings into investment determines frangibility of bank.

自然脆弱度与人口密度、人均水资源量之间存在着较好的耦合性。There is a good coupling between the degree of the natural frangibility and the density of population and the water resource of per capita.

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新型光纤探针分辨能力和以往带金尖光纤探针相当,但克服了其易损坏,不稳定的缺点。The novel probe tip reaches the resolution of metallic nano-particle probe, but overcomes the shortcomings of frangibility and unsteadiness.

然而,天基光电成像遥感设备在军事中的重要性和固有的脆弱性,使其安全与防护问题日益突出。However, the importance and inherent frangibility of the space-based photoelectric imaging and re-mote sensing device make problem of safety and protection more serious.

实验结果表明,该方法对JPEG压缩具有很好的鲁棒性,同时对滤波和加噪等处理具有很好的易碎性,适合于图像的内容认证。The result of experiment show that this algorithm has good robust against JPEG, and frangibility against the familiar attacks, and beseem to selective authentication for image.

天然更新受多种因素影响,尤其以牲畜的影响较大,造成天然更新能力下降,林分的脆弱性加大,稳定性降低。Natural regeneration is affected by many factors, especially the livestock that make the regeneration ability descend, increase the frangibility of forest, and debase the stability.

由于岩溶山区本身的脆弱性和人为作用,导致土地贫瘠、水源缺乏,水土流失严重,石漠化现象日益加剧。Unmerited artificial action and frangibility of karst mountain area brought out many environment problems, such as soil leanness, absence of water resources and grave desertification.

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西部大开发面临的环境挑战主要是生态脆弱性的加重和环境污染西迁速度的加快。The environmental challenge of Great Western Region Development in China is the aggravation of ecological frangibility and the quickness of environmental pollution going in a westward direction.

该文通过对自然文本进行建模,分析隐密文本与自然文本的统计特征,得到其中的差异,证明了字典隐藏法存在一定的脆弱性。This paper analyzes the statistical characteristics and finds the differences of the stego-text and natural lingual text by modeling the latter, which shows frangibility of the traditional algorithm.