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唐顿庄园赢来了新的仆人。Tang Du is manorial win came new lackey.

此外,他们还建立了领地制。Thirdly, they also established the manorial system.

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宣誓断案通常用于采邑法庭。Compurgation was used frequently in manorial courts.

'宅'。''邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地。Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.

本文的第一部分论述庄园的历史与文学传统。Chapter I of the thesis discusses the manorial history and literary tradition.

游戏中,朱莉娅在一个迷幻般的庄园内寻找线索,揭开谜底。In game, julia confuses unreal in like manorial inside seek clue, reveal truth.

传统的庄园组织没有为经济发展提供足够的激励。Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth.

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该治沙模式为农牧交错半湿润地区防治沙漠化提供了宝贵的经验。The manorial mode provides valuable experience for farming-pastoral criss-cross subhumid areas to combat desertification.

亚当斯家的律师塔利勾结艾比盖尔想夺取亚当斯庄园,抢夺庄园里埋藏的大批金银。Adam this Aibigaier thinks collude of lawyer tower benefit garden of capturing Adam Si Zhuang, loot is manorial large quantities of bullion of li of bury.

中世纪西欧农奴制是西欧封建社会的一种经济形态,与自给自足的庄园经济相适应。The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society, and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy.

在圈出了有一个城市面积大的土地上,古乃穆庄园主亲自驾车引领我们来参观他新修建中的度假庄园。In irised out had on urban area big land, ancient was the solemn manorial lord drives to eagerly anticipate us personally to visit him to construct to take vacation newly the manor.

诺曼征服之后,英国庄园制经济得到迅速发展,并于13世纪臻于极盛,但14、15世纪之后便渐趋式微,并在16世纪最终瓦解。The manorial economy developed rapidly in England after Norman Conquest, prospered in the 13th century, then declined in the 14th and 15th century and ultimately collapsed in the 16th century.