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驾驶员放慢了火车的速度。The motorman slowed down the train.

这是个十分善辩且狡猾的司机。It was a mostphilosophic jesuitical motorman.

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这是个十分善辩且狡猾的司机。It was a most philosophic and jesuitical motorman.

在轮助的帮助下,值班机工完成了工作。The duty motorman has finished the work with the help of the assistant engineer.

当矿车司机交班时,矿车司机将数据记录仪带回地面,由地面数据接收器读取后传递给计算机。Motorman of tramcar will not take data recorder to the ground until motorman of tramcar shift exchange.

乔治抬头望了望钟。此刻是六点一刻。临街的大门开了,一个电车司机走进来。George looked up at the dock. It was a quarter past six. The door from the street opened. A streetcar motorman came in.

我们得检查火车是否超速进站,司机是否未能在适当时机踩刹车。We have to examine whether the train was over-speeding or if the motorman failed to apply the brakes at the right moment.

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交流矿井提升机制动时,司机利用手工操纵的办法来实现提升机机械闸制动系统和传动系统之间的协调控制。When braking AC mine hoist, motorman coordinate braking system and dive system by hand. The effect depends on the motorman.

Knudsen在升任通用集团执行副总裁时挑选了他作为继任者。Knudsen picked him as his successor when that all-round motorman stepped up to executive vice president of General Motors Corp.

达拉斯原是个记者,因为无法采访到一位受困、等待截肢的地铁司机而遭到责骂,基于道德义愤便辞了职。Duster started out as a journalist but quit in moral indignation when chided for failing to interview a trapped subway motorman waiting for a leg amputation.