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不只是丝瓜,人也是一样。Luffa is not just people as well.

生命力强是丝瓜的其中一个特点。Luffa strong vitality is one of the characteristics.

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丝瓜水在美容护肤方面表现出良好的应用前景。Luffa showed a good foreground for improving skin look.

一种叫做丝瓜的葫芦科作物被用来制造海绵。A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges.

分析测定了丝瓜藤、叶的主要营养成分。Nutrient components in luffa cylindrical stem and leaf were analysed in this paper.

丝瓜苦苦求饶,陈三炮决定不杀死丝瓜,只砍断一只手就可以了。Luffa pleaded, Chen decided not to kill the three gun gourd, just cut off a hand on it.

普通丝瓜间杂交产量、果长优势明显,产量相关性状的优势较大。Yield and length of fruit among hybrid in Luffa cylindrical Roem had obvious heterosis.

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利用植物载体丝瓜瓤对无花果曲霉进行固定,并对直接冻黄G进行脱色研究。The decolorization of chrysophene G by Aspergillus ficuum immobilized on luffa cylindrical sponge was studied.

这些护肤机理的研究,对于丝瓜水在美容护肤方面的研究提供了有效的参考。This mechanism's research might have some help for the ongoing study of applications of luffa water for beautifying skin.

本文就丝瓜水对皮肤的保湿、美白、抗老祛皱、消炎等方面的作用,介绍了丝瓜水在皮肤健美方面的机理。How the luffa water acted for skin's moisturizer, whitening, diminishing inflammation, resisting aging and wrinkles were introduced.

丝瓜水自身不就是爽肤水吗?难道用丝瓜水还需求用个爽肤水吗?不用这么省事吧。Luffa water itself is not that refreshing water? Is the water still needs to use loofah with a refreshing water? It not so easy way.

一个绿蚱蜢跳过来,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又跳到开着黄花的丝瓜架下去了。A green grasshopper jumps to here. He dont see the growing turnip in the earth, and soon jumping upto the luffa trellis with blossom.

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留兰香、丝瓜、松叶菊的茎尖或茎段外植体分化芽和它们的试管繁殖的报道尚属首次。Bud formation of stem tips or stem segments of Mentha spicata, Luffa cylindrica, and Mcsembryanthemum sp. and their propagate in vitro are reported for the first time.