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一只耗子能够引向地底之下的秘密生命。A mouse leads a clandestine life below the ground.

秘密会议在停车场和餐厅举行。Clandestine meetings were held in parking lots and diners.

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他们将磁带播放了一遍又一遍。A clandestine outfit that bootlegs record albums and tapes.

新闻界痛斥了对反革命的暗中支持。The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution.

但是,对来历不明的产品的需求将下降。But the demand for the clandestine product would be substantially reduced.

他与鲁滨太太偷情却又爱上了她的女儿伊兰妮。He and his wife Lubin Clandestine Affair yet fallen in love with the daughter Yilanni.

许多国家已经放弃或取消了秘密获取核武器的努力。Many states have abandoned or reversed clandestine efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

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我的华文启蒙教育是从成保路的这所房子开始的,秘密给我们上课的是一对夫妇。So my first schooling was in Mandarin, in a clandestine class run by a married couple.

这是濒临梦魇小说有关的秘密行动的美国政府。That's verging on nightmarish fiction about the clandestine operations of the US government.

我们一路上把秘密的欢乐压榨偷尝,就像压榨干憋的香橙。We steal as we pass by a clandestine pleasure That we squeeze very hard like a dried up orange.

为了安全起见,这个秘密都是在一个仪式上口头密传给新主教的。For security's sake, it wasverbally transferred to each new rising sénéchal at a clandestine ceremony.

1847年,巴黎管弦乐队的成员们陷入了演奏一场独奏会的沮丧之中。In 1847, the members of the Paris orchestra descended into the gloom to perform a clandestine recital.

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假如某国对记者采取限制措施,大机构可以转向秘密运作或者别的方式进行新闻采访。If reporters are banned from a country, big outfits can turn to clandestine or surrogate newsgathering.

苏联公民曾经通过披头士磁带私下学习英语,也曾经渴望一条蒙大拿牌牛仔裤。Soviet citizens once learned English with clandestine Beatles tapes and longed for Montana-brand jeans.

举例说,有些秘密刊物印得那么漂亮,哪儿来的纸?For instance, some clandestine publications are beautifully produced. Well, where did the paper come from?

在推翻阿维兰热的事情上我也是这样被陷害了。It might also be the case that he was being targeted in what was really a clandestine attack on Havelange.

最讨厌偷拍事件,最憎恨偷拍行为,可怜那些无辜的人们!Toupai the most disgusting incident, the most hateful clandestine photo- taking, those poor innocent people!

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另一种了解这一问题的方法是通过美国大使馆在北京建立的空气质量监测站。Another way to know this is via a clandestine air-quality station that the U.S. Embassy has built in Beijing.

牵手,在复印室”秘密幽会“,以及在下午三点揉肩,所有这些都属于公开展现暧昧的行为。Hand-holding, clandestine copy-room make-out sessions, and shoulder rubs at 3 p. m. all fall into this category.

但与南非的秘密同盟削弱了以色列对美国的敬佩和支持等一些正当要求。But the clandestine alliance with South Africa undermined Israel's rightful claim on U.S. admiration and support.