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图示黏膜层可见溃疡,内有大量的中性粒细胞渗出。Here, the mucosa shows ulceration and undermining by an extensive neutrophilic exudate.

慢性中性粒细胞白血病和慢性淋巴细胞白血病均未发现CD133的阳性表达。There were no expression of CD133 in chronic neutrophilic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients.

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显微镜下,左侧受累的脑膜上可见嗜中性粒细胞渗出,并有明显的血管扩张。Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels.

我们回顾了有关嗜中性荨麻疹的文献和我们现在报导的一系列有特异表现的患者。We reviewed the literature on neutrophilic urticaria and we report here a series of patients with this unique presentation.

从来源于造纸厂的碱性土样中共分离得到数株能够产碱性或中性木聚糖酶的真菌和细菌。In this paper, lots of alkalophilic and neutrophilic microorganism, Which produce xylanase, were isolated from alkaline soil.

结果S组及E组肺泡间质水肿、出血,并有中性粒细胞、巨噬细胞浸润。ResultsInterstitial edema, hemorrhage and infiltration of neutrophilic granulocyte and macrophage were observed in group S and E.

中性粒细胞增多符合CM感染,虽然患者无非典型的淋巴细胞。The neutrophilic leukocytosis is consistent with the presence of CM infection, although the absence of atypical lymphocytes is less typical.

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左边肺泡内充满嗜中性粒细胞,与支气管肺炎病变区相一致。At the left the alveoli are filled with a neutrophilic exudate that corresponds to the areas of consolidation seen grossly with the bronchopneumonia.

神经系统星型奴卡菌感染典型表现为脓肿或多发强化病灶,伴有脑脊液中性粒细胞增加。Nocardia asteroides infection typically presents with an abscess or multiple enhancing lesions, with neutrophilic pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid.

脓肿化的支气管肺炎可见大量隆起的浅棕色病灶,病灶中有广泛的中性粒细胞渗出。This abscessing bronchopneumonia has numerous areas of raised, lighter tan appearance which are the areas containing the extensive neutrophilic infiltrates.

镜下示急性化脓性肺炎广泛的中性粒细胞渗出,脓肿区正常组织被破坏。Microscopically, the extensive neutrophilic exudate of an acute abscessing pneumonia is seen here. Normal tissues are destroyed in the region of the abscess.

急性化脓性肺炎镜下可见广泛的中性粒细胞渗出。脓肿破坏了正常肺组织。Microscopically, the extensive neutrophilic exudate of an acute abscessing pneumonia is seen here. Normal tissues are destroyed in the region of the abscess.

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双核粒细胞在早幼至杆状核阶段均见存在,多具有大小形状对称的八字形特点。Binucleated granulocyte appeared in the stage from promyelocyte to neutrophilic band form with mostly symmetry mirror image characteristics in size and shape.

就如同深蓝色细菌菌落暗示存在肺吸入性或血液播散性炎症一样,更局限化的脓肿灶包含嗜中性细胞。This more focal ace containing a neutrophilic exudate as well as dark blue bacterial colonies suggests airation or hematogenous read of infection to the lung.

就如同深蓝色细菌菌落暗示存在肺吸入性或血液播散性炎症一样,更局限化的脓肿灶包含嗜中性细胞。This more focal abscess containing a neutrophilic exudate as well as dark blue bacterial colonies suggests aspiration or hematogenous spread of infection to the lung.

并且上述指标在性别间不存在显著性差异,而嗜中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞在不同年龄组间存在着显著性差异。The difference of the characters discussed before in sex was not remark-able, but the difference of the Neutrophilic granulocyte and lymphocytes in age-group was remarkable.

格兰氏染色显示许多嗜中性粒细胞,其中之一包含革兰阴性双球菌,提示淋病奈瑟菌感染。The gram stain shown here demonstrates many neutrophilic leukocytes, one of which contains gram negative intracellular diplococci indicative of Neisseria gonorrheae infection.

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结果淋巴细胞降低幅度与肺损伤严重程度呈正相关,中性粒细胞降低幅度与肺损伤严重程度呈负相关。Results The severity of acute lung injury was positively correlated with the range of the lymphopenia, and was negatively correlated with the range of neutrophilic granulopenia.

中性粒细胞广泛浸润,核溶解、胞浆减少,是典型的急性心肌梗死的1-4天的表现。The extent of neutrophilic infiltrates, along with karyolysis and lo of cytoplasmic cro striatio, is typical for an acute myocardial infarct of 1 to 4 days in duration from oet.

中性粒细胞广泛浸润,核溶解、胞浆减少,是典型的急性心肌梗死的1-4天的表现。The extent of neutrophilic infiltrates, along with karyolysis and loss of cytoplasmic cross striations, is typical for an acute myocardial infarct of 1 to 4 days in duration from onset.