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奢侈的中产阶级家庭时髦小美女。Posh middle-class child chic.

佩柏丝也不会喜欢住在豪华的地方。Pebbles would hate to live anywhere posh.

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我们去参加聚会必须扮得漂亮一点。We must posh up ourselves up for the party.

他带我们到本城最高档的一家饭馆里吃午餐。He take us for lunch to one of the posh restaurant in town.

我们高级新邻居似乎不屑于和我们讲话。Our posh new neighbors seem to be disdaining to speak to us.

如果你想得到那份工作,你应该稍微打扮一下。If you want to get that job, you should posh yourself up a bit.

一个豪华影院里,一名男子横躺在整整三个座位上。A man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh theatre.

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但是我想,大家认为英国人很高傲会更好一些,But I suppose it's better to have an idea of British people being posh

这是家装修豪华的餐厅,我想大家还是穿正式点,不要穿拖鞋。This is a posh restaurant. I would suggest dressing up. No flip-flops.

像我这样的人算是坐不起这样的茶馆了。The likes of me won't be able to afford a seat in such a posh teahouse.

你想在家工作,在外工作,还是在一个豪华的企业环境里工作?Do you want to work at home, outside or in a posh corporate environment?

所以,人们记得的是英国人的高傲可能会更好。So, you know, it's probably better that the people remember the posh bit more.

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这已经是美国一流珠宝商蒂芙尼公司销量的两倍多。It is already more than twice the size of Tiffany &Co, a posh American jeweller.

现在无数的中国人能消费得起奢侈的国外化妆品来搭配库奇礼服。Now millions of them can afford posh foreign make-up to complement their Gucci frocks.

我想即使住在豪华的四星级酒店里,也会让科比这位被围攻的名人感觉像在监狱里。I imagine that even posh four-star hotels can feel like prisons to a celebrity under siege.

她自己开着一辆奔驰车上班,但这部车是她生活中少有的奢侈品。She drives a Mercedes-Benz to work, but the car is one of the few posh aspects of her life.

心中只有嫉妒和恨意的图尔,企图破坏巴利的事业及其优越的生活。Tull, feeling only jealousy and hatred, attempts to wreck Barry's career and his posh life.

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她也是六年级,就读于一所上流女校,学校由一家基督教教团管理。She was also in the sixth-form at a posh girls' school run by one of the Christian missions.

我想,主要因为好莱坞只选那些有高傲的英式口音的人。I think that's mainly because Hollywood only ever chooses people with a very posh English accent.

不管怎样,维多利亚的小女儿不仅生来就有三位帅哥庇护,还继承了一大衣橱的衣服。Either way, Posh 's daughter inherits a gaggle of hunky older brothers and one heck of a wardrobe.