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你可以把车停在房子外面。You can esplanade your car alfresco the houtilize.

那儿是我们在那个大风天散步的海滩。There's the esplanade where we walked that windy day.

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鱼尾狮公园和滨海艺术中心在世界上都非常著名。Merlion park and Esplanade are very famous in the world.

一朵浪花正好打在海滨草场上。A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade.

吃完午餐,我们走到海滨散步保护区去写明信片。Finished our lunch, we walked to The Esplanade Reserve and wrote postcards.

在大楼一层,接待和娱乐区位于广场对面。On the ground floor, functions of reception and conviviality are in direct contact with the esplanade.

它是第一支在滨海艺术中心剧院及表演厅呈献表演的节令鼓队。She is also the first Festive Drum Troupe in the world to perform in Esplanade Theater and Concert Hall.

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2008年九月,我们的古筝团再次受邀在滨海艺术中心举行德贤小学古筝专场演奏会。Our Guzheng Ensemble was invited to conduct Guzheng concert at the Esplanade concourse in September 2008.

城市家具以一种“日光浴床”的形式对沿湖滨大道散步的路人呈现了一种新的吸引力。An urban furnishing in the form of a "sunbed" presents a new attraction for the passers-by along the esplanade.

新加坡滨海艺术中心音乐厅是目前全世界声学规模最大、声学设置最复杂和齐全的音乐厅,并采用混响室来控制音乐厅自然混响。The Esplanade Concert Hall in Singapore is the most fascinating music hall in the world for its acoustic control system.

水和风创造平稳的,严重被侵蚀平台的荒芜的岩石被称为是平坦空地在北边的大峡谷。Water and wind created this smooth, heavily eroded terrace of barren rock known as the Esplanade on the north rim of the Grand Canyon.

色彩缤纷的小蜡烛点缀着拉格瑞夫极具乡村风格的海滨空地。Colourful small candles adorned the very rustic esplanade of Lagrave. The sweet voice of Alessia brought the cheerful guests to their seats.

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“体育场碗状看台”由一个环形的广场围绕,全部交通连接设置于广场之内,广场的“柱林”之上由屋面覆盖。The stadium bowl is surrounded by a circular esplanade which contains all access elements and includes a "forest of columns" whichsupports the roof.

他们约莫前进了三十步左右,便在一小堆岩石环绕的空地上停了下来,空地里的座位已准备好了,象哨兵的岗亭一样。They advanced about thirty paces, and then stopped at a small esplanade surrounded with rocks, in which seats had been cut, not unlike sentry-boxes.

一个很短的车程,市内热闹的艺术和文化在国家博物馆现场,新加坡美术馆,亚洲文明博物馆和滨海艺术中心。A short drive to the city's lively arts and culture scene at the National Museum, Singapore Art Museum, Asian Civilizations Museum and the Esplanade.

促进隅田川广场的连续性和无障碍的开发,让每一个人都能自由地享受水边地区。Continuity and barrier-free development of the sumidagawa river esplanade will be promoted to allow everyone and anyone to enjoy the waterfront area.

其后两天,进攻驳船源源朝海岸开到,德军从船上跳下来,涉水登陆,同时,轻型坦克冒空弹炮火登陆海滨广场。For two days invasion barges drew into the shore and German soldiers leaped out and waded shorewards, while light tanks landed on the esplanade under dummy fire.

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他们低着头,腿挨腿,像一个焦急的人在城中单独穿行,从四周长着野茴香的弯弯曲曲的柏油路走下去,来到海滩边。Their heads bent, their legs just touching, they stride like one eager person through the town, down the asphalt zigzag where the fennel grows wild, and on to the esplanade.