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EDD可以回答这些问题。EDD is a way to answer these questions.

EDD是基于事实的软件开发。EDD is fact-based software development.

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EDD以跟踪目标的方式来检查业务是否正常工作。EDD checks out whether the business works by tracking goals.

我把EDD和TDD放在一起用,而且无法想象只用一个是什么状况。I use EDD and TDD together, can’t imagine using one without the other.

1920年,哈佛大学率先开始颁发一种新学位——教育博士学位。Harvard University was the first to offer a new degree in 1920, called the EdD.

在上面的截图,EDD是运行在一个系统,它有一个在物理驱动器。In the above screenshot, EDD was run on a system that has one physical drive in it.

Nathaniel提出的EDD框架需求列表的第二点就是“各个层面都能访问得到”。No. 2 on Nathaniel’s list of requirements for an EDD framework is “accessible at all levels”.

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有没有可能EDD因为可以提供直接和可量化的数据,而被管理人员青睐?Is it possible that, by providing direct and quantifiable data, EDD will be favoured by managers?

在上面的截图,EDD是运行在一个系统,它有一个在物理驱动器与两个分区。In the above screenshot, EDD was run on a system that has one physical drive in it with two partitions.

教育学博士学位是一种学者学位,而教育博士学位则属于从业者资格认证。The PhD in education was supposed to be a scholar's degree and the EdD was supposed to be a practitioner's credential.

EDD是在用户需要,快速,有效的非侵入检查系统的电脑上加密卷。EDD is useful during incident response to quickly and non-intrusively check for encrypted volumes on a computer system.

它必须是功能最小化、但是切实可行的EDD框架,带有足够好的文档,并在生产环境中使用一段时间。It had to be a minimum viable EDD framework, with reasonably good documentation, and used in production for a few days.

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枕头撞到墙上破裂开来,填料四处飞散,就在这时艾迪托雷特的脑袋从门口探了进来。The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door.

教育学位课程往往要求研究工作——包括一篇毕业论文,这与博士学位课程的要求类似,但其他要求较少。The EdD programs tended to require research work — including a dissertation — similar to what was performed in PhD programs, but with fewer other requirements.

2007年.一项旨在重新改造教育博士学位的倡议发现,对于教育博士学位和教育学博士学位的相似性,教育工作者也有同样的不满。A 2007 initiative to reinvent the EdD found educators muttering the same complaints they always had about the close resemblance between the EdD and the education PhD.

首先介绍了EDD产生的背景和它的基本原理,然后深入地分析了现有设备描述技术,最后针对其不足提出了本文作者的解决方法。The paper first introduces the background of EDD and elements of EDD, then analyzes the existing device description technology, at last a new method is put forward to overcome its shortcomings.