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棱皮龟通常是隔年才交配一次。Leatherback turtles usually mate every other year.

太平洋草龟是世界上最大的海龟。The Pacific Leatherback turtle is the largest one in the world.

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只有千分之一的棱皮龟幼龟会到达成年阶段。Only one in a thousand leatherback hatchlings will reach maturity.

请关注委内瑞拉极度濒危的棱皮龟。Watch out of Venezuela on the critically endangered leatherback turtles.

隔热层为棱皮龟的全身上下都提供了保护,除了头部和鳍状肢。Insulation protects the leatherback everywhere but on its head and flippers.

多个研究个案亦显示,新式鱼钩有助提高剑鱼的渔获量。Leatherback turtle . the new hook has also in many cases led to higher swordfish catches.

在太平洋,菱皮龟的数量在过去三十年呈直线下降的情况。In the Pacific, the number of leatherback turtles has plummeted in the last three decades.

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但直到现在,还是没人能够欣赏菱皮龟在航行中的好处。But until now, nobody quite appreciated just how good leatherback turtles were at navigation.

图为一只在特立尼达拉岛的马图拉海岸为寻找筑巢地点而从海浪中现身的革龟。A leatherback turtle emerges from the surf in search of a nesting site on Trinidad's Matura Beach.

图为一只在特立尼达拉岛的马图拉海岸为寻找筑巢地点而从海浪中现身的革龟。A leatherback turtle emerges from the surf in search of a nesting site on Trinidad’s Matura Beach.

人造卫星跟踪了这次行程,首次记录下棱皮龟横跨太平洋的迁徙。The journey, tracked by satellite, provides the first record of a trans-Pacific migration by a leatherback.

这是一张标有海龟迁徙三种路线图的地图。第2条路线,是由菱皮龟组成的,是呈直线游行的。A map of the three routes taken by migrating turtles. Group 2, made up of leatherback turtles, travelled in a straight line

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棱皮龟通过位于鳍状肢下面的双向交换系统来实现这一点。The leatherback accomplishes this by arranging the blood vessels in the base of as flipper into a countercurrent exchange system.

由于鳍状肢相对较薄且为到片状,这一部分很容易温度下降。Because the flippers are comparatively thin and blade-like, they are one part of the leatherback that is likely to become chilled.

海岸边被企鹅占据,水温适宜,所以有很多棱皮龟和鲨鱼生存,这样的环境也适于古鲸”。And the marine waters were still warm enough for leatherback turtles and a diverse shark fauna, " he added. And ancient whales, too."

棱皮海龟重量超过700公斤,长度超过1.7米,可以说是地球上最大的海洋爬行动物。Weighing more than 700 kilograms and reaching more than 1.7 meters in length, the leatherback turtle is the world's largest marine reptile.

该项新技术的受益者之一就是棱皮海龟,而在通常情况下海洋生物学家则给它们佩戴传统的塑料识别标签。One beneficiary of this emerging technology is the leatherback sea turtle, which marine biologists usually identify by conventional plastic tags.

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哥斯达黎加总统阿里亚斯保留三十公顷可贵的滨海土地,用于保护滨危革龟的筑巢地。Costa Rican president Oscar Arias preserves 30 hectares of valuable beachfront property to protect the nesting area of endangered leatherback sea turtles.

曼尼以前没见过海龟,而在12月17日当晚,他目睹了一只大约1700磅的棱皮龟和一只榄蠵龟。Monney had never seen a sea turtle before Dec. 17, when he caught a glimpse of the leatherback — estimated weight 1, 700 pounds — and an olive ridley the same night.

科学家最近发现了世界上数量最多的棱皮龟群体,这无疑唤起了一些信心,或许这种巨型动物并不像以前所认为的那样濒临灭绝。The world's largest colony of leatherback sea turtles has been identified by scientists, raising hopes that the giant creature may not be as endangered as previously thought.