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那是男生宿舍。That's the men's dormitory.

这是工人的宿舍。This is workers' dormitory.

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请问603宿舍在哪里?。Could you show me dormitory 603?

我住在辽一号宿舍缗楼。I live in the NO. 1 dormitory building.

我应该要住在宿舍还是寄宿家庭?。Should I live in dormitory or homestay?

宿舍每个人都大骂芙蓉姐姐。Everyone cursed dormitory Sister Furong.

一个人站在她的宿舍下等待。He standed under her dormitory , waiting.

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宿舍里面清洁豁亮。It's clean and bright inside the dormitory.

住校的男生在宿舍里睡觉。Boys who live at school sleep in a dormitory.

现在修理的那座楼是我们的宿舍。That building being repaired is our dormitory.

直到深夜他才回宿舍。He didnt return to the dormitory until midnight.

禁止饲养家禽、家畜等宠物。No poultry or pets are allowed in the dormitory.

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我们很快就去建设和宿舍楼。Soon we go to a building and dormitory building.

我是住校生,所以住在宿舍里。I am a live-in students, so live in the dormitory.

宿舍前是绿茵茵的草坪。There is a verdant lawn in front of the dormitory.

走着走着,我来到了学生宿舍。Walking along, I came to the students\' dormitory.

他们是在朋友的寝室聚会时认识的。They met at a party in her friend’s dormitory room.

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单身宿舍门加磨砂玻璃视口。Dormitory door has frost glass oberservation window.

宿舍里的工人在天黑前漱洗。Workers at the Dormitory wash up at the end of the day.

女生的宿舍是禁止男生进入的。The girl's dormitory is off limits to all male students.