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她在背后谈论与她分居的丈夫的私事。She tattled on her estranged husband.

他们的争吵使两个朋友失和。Their quarrel estranged the two friends.

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一场争吵使他与家人疏远了。A quarrel had estranged him from his family.

中国与非洲从来没有疏远过China and Africa Have Never Estranged Each Other.

此外,朱莉与她享有盛誉的父亲出现不和。In addition, Jolie was estranged from her famous father.

前新泽西州同性恋州长分居已久的前妻将事情原委和盘托出。The estranged wife of New Jersey's gay ex-governor is telling all.

因遗产反目使兄弟两疏远多年。A quarrel over an inheritance estranged the brothers for many years.

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在质疑群体中,就不乏被他疏远的父亲,弗洛伊德-老梅威瑟。Among the nonbelievers is his estranged father, Floyd Mayweather Sr.

“我不打算责备你,格雷丝,”她父亲说道,态度冷淡疏远。"I don't reproach you, Grace, " said her father, with an estranged manner.

今天我那个自己住的老爸喝多了,凌晨4点打电话来道歉表示想要和好。Today, my estranged dad drunk-dialed me at 4am to apologize, and to make amends.

但为了某些原因,布瑞克先生和亲人疏远了几十年。But for some reason Mr. Brick had been estranged from all his relatives for decades.

当一个父亲无力养育自己的子女时,他们的关系往往会变得疏远。When a father can't provide monetarily for his offspring, he often becomes estranged.

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这两位都是从小就与他们的白人亲属非常疏远,部分原因是出于羞耻。Both grew up estranged from their white heritage, in part, because of a sense of shame.

他把我的弟兄隔在远处,使我所认识的,全然与我生疏。He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are verily estranged from me.

它讲述了一个离婚的中年男人带着他那疏远的儿子去看足球比赛的故事。It tells a divorced middle aged man who takes his estranged son to watch a football game.

有些时候,我和我两个曾经要好,现已疏远的朋友之间痛苦的对话一遍遍地在那里重播。Sometimes I replay painful conversations I've had with two friends who are now estranged.

在他打电话到哥本哈根的第二天后,他还能看到他那已经疏远的妻子的脸。He could still see his estranged wife’s face the day after he made the call to Copenhagen.

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远离她的丈夫,莫雷尔夫人需要安慰她的4个孩子,尤其是她的两个儿子。Estranged from her husband, Mrs. Morel takes comfort in her four children, especially her sons.

演员约翰库萨克扮演的科幻小说作家柯蒂斯杰克逊,谁是他的家人疏远。Actor John Cusack plays science fiction writer Jackson Curtis, who is estranged from his family.

本片记述的是纪录片导演阿德安·格兰尼试图与他疏远了的父亲和好的过程。Documentary Filmmaker Adrian Grenier documents his attempt to reunite with his estranged father.