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这已成为全城的笑柄了。It has become the laughingstock of the city.

这已成为全城的笑柄。It has become the laughingstock of the town.

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他成为镇上的笑柄。He made himself the laughingstock of the town.

这使他成为全校的笑柄。This made him the laughingstock of the whole school.

杜军很快就成了存里所有人的笑柄。Du Jun soon became the laughingstock of all people in the store.

把别人当嘲笑对象,会损害自身的品格。Making a laughingstock of ananpeople else weselves do harm to first's manality.

一系列丑闻使北京紫禁城成为全国嘲笑的对象Waves of Scandal Turn Beijing's Forbidden City Museum Into a National Laughingstock

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国王不能抓到一个蚊子而成了他的军队的笑柄。The terrible king that couldn't even catch one mosquito was a laughingstock for his troops.

如今,特里就是纽约警察局里的笑柄,就连恢复自己名誉的希望都微乎其微。Terry's now the laughingstock of the NYPD and has little hope of ever recovering his reputation.

27岁的罗玉凤在中国一度成为全国人民的笑柄,如今她在纽约布鲁克林区工作和生活,职业是一名美甲师。Luo Yufeng, 27, who became a national laughingstock in China, now lives and works in Brooklyn as a manicurist.

东盟领导需要选择,他们是否将让缅甸把东盟降级成为政府间论坛的笑柄。ASEAN leaders need to decide if they will let Burma demote ASEAN to the laughingstock of intergovernmental forums.

但我知道我只会成为笑柄,因为我的头有一半像保龄球一样光溜溜的!However, I knew I was going to be nothing but a laughingstock because half of my head was as bald as a bowling ball!

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你不想成为笑柄-每个人都嘲笑他-而蒙蒂说那发生在了这里。You don't want to be the laughingstock – the person that everyone laughs at – and that's what Monty says has happened here.

可你不知道吗,这样你会变成一头大蠢驴,所有的人都要拿你开玩笑的?Don't you know that if you go on like that, you will grow into a perfect donkey and that you'll be the laughingstock of everyone?

虽说有点贻笑大方之嫌,但中年时的我还总觉得洒脱快乐。Although it is said a little bit become a laughingstock of suspicion, but middle age of I still always feel a big-hearted happiness.

母亲在他小时候救过他的命——但日后无休无止的日子里,他成为了村里人的笑柄。Certainly she had saved him from an early death-but he had been the laughingstock of the village for an interminable time thereafter.

北京—庄严的北京故宫博物院,紫禁城体制上的中心,很快成为全国嘲笑的对象。BEIJING— Beijing's venerable Palace Museum, the institutional heart of the Forbidden City, is fast becoming a national laughingstock in China.

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接近尾声时,他的生命,哥本哈根报纸刊登了一系列讽刺漫画,克尔凯郭尔,有效地减少了当地的一个笑柄。Towards the end of his life, a Copenhagen newspaper published a series of satirical cartoons about Kierkegaard that effectively reduced him to a local laughingstock.