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但很快我便明白了。But I soon learned.

但我学到了很多东西。But I learned so much.

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我学习了该如何等候.I learned how to wait.

您学到了什么?What have you learned?

它只是在观察和学习。He watched and learned.

它是习得的行为。It is learned behavior.

一天他弄明白是为什么了。One day he learned why.

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他是个博学的学者。He is a learned scholar.

我知道我的贸易河。I learned my trade dere.

对此,弗格森是领教过的。For Ferguson was learned.

你有学过英语吗?Have you learned English?

我已经背下来了。I've learned it by heart.

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学会了几种新手艺。Learned a few new skills.

她很快就学会了撑方头平底船。She soon learned to punt.

他学过一点拉丁语。He learned a bit of Latin.

记住你所学到的。Remember what you learned.

今天这个教训我吸取。The lesson i learned toda.

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布来克先生是有学问的人。Mr. Black is a learned man.

而且我还练过几招呢。I also learned a few tricks.

从我的一个朋友那学来的。I learned it from my friend.