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古斯•希丁克曾是一个不错的足球运动员,但却是一位一级棒的经理。Guus Hiddink was a journeyman footballer, but is a first-rate manager.

这名经历了数队的大前锋应该在季候赛中发挥关键作用。The journeyman power forward ought to play a key role in the postseason.

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现在任何一个计算机业的熟练工人都能设计出一个过得去的可伸缩系统。Now any journeyman computerista can do a reasonable job at designing a scalable system.

助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade.

因为如果那样的话,你会以一群不知名演员而结束游戏,而这将成为他们职业生涯的亮点。Otherwise , you may end up with a troop of journeyman actors for whom this will be the highlight of their career.

后来大家都去睡觉了,年轻人把小魔桌靠在墙上,也睡了。At length they lay down to sleep, and the young journeyman also went to bed, and set his magic table against the wall.

而是在高中毕业后马上去当了电气技师,一开始是作为学徒,最后成为了一名熟练技师。Instead, he immediately became an electrician after high school, working as an apprentice and eventually becoming a journeyman.

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好可怜的大个子们那。很多人认为只要有了7尺以上的上课就足够他在NBA里闯荡出一番事业来了。Pity the big man. Many assume that sprouting to a 7-foot height alone should guarantee a career as an NBA journeyman at the very least.

贝罗基时年28岁可能是该运动相对熟练的一个选手,而且有着职业生涯最高排名的第50名,但他却很少对德约科维奇犯规。Berlocq might be a relative journeyman of the sport at 28 and with a career-high ranking of 50, but he did little wrong against Djokovic.

开发导师,他应该是个工作经验丰富的“技师”,能够帮助新人掌握代码库和项目的业务领域。A Mentor Developer, who is a seasoned "Journeyman" developer capable of helping the inductees understand the codebase and domain of the project.

乔治威勃交了一个女朋友,她借给他钱,以此赎抵基梅尔的工作期效,而想到我们这里做一个工人。George Webb, who had found a female friend that lent him wherewith to purchase his time of Keimer, now came to offer himself as a journeyman to us.

这名前锋不过是又一位巴西老将而已,他在法甲的勒芒平淡无奇,直到上赛季,他在沃尔夫斯堡爆发。The striker was just another Brazilian journeyman until he exploded last season at Wolfsburg following an unremarkable stint at French side Le Mans.

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第三段叙述则说他是一个叫做贾斯特·梅里尔的康科德道恩星球帮工守护者,因被指控背叛而选择用面具隐匿身份。A third account tells of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn named Jaster Mereel who adopted the mask and guise when he was convicted of treason.

学校目前还只在网上开课,但会定期集会,麻瓜们修习7年的课程后可以获得魔法学学徒学位。For now, it is an online college with regular physical wizard camps, where muggles can study seven years to graduate with a journeyman degree in Wizardry.

据经纪人马克传闻湖人队正在紧锣密鼓的寻找费舍尔的替补,其中流动大户丹-迪考、发展联盟艾迪-吉尔以及布雷克-阿赫恩都是湖人考虑的对象。Journeyman Dan Dickau and D- Leaguers Eddie Gill and Blake Ahearn are among the point guards the Lakers have inquired about, agent Mark Bartelstein said last week.

对于所有技术,人和组织可以得到专案组合管理技术中的不同程度的专门技术,从初学者和新手,到技师,然后是大师。As for any skill people and organizations can have varying degrees of expertise in portfolio management skills ranging from beginner and novice to journeyman and then master.