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我感到灰心丧气。I felt dispirited.

你看起来有些沮丧。You look dispirited.

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他最近总是委靡不振。He has been dispirited recently.

她显得疲倦而且神情沮丧。She looked tired and dispirited.

他那十分沮丧的样子令我产生了怜悯。He looked so dispirited I took pity on him.

福特公司四分五裂、士气低落的经理们更需要一位坚决果断的领导。Its divided, dispirited managers also need decisive leadership.

这样的书可能会使人们被误导和意志消沉。People who are taken up by such books might be misled and dispirited.

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无论是原有的团队将轻视和本不振呢?Either way the original team will be slighted and dispirited by this ?

眼看这么多学生牺牲,这名威奎族绝地意志消沉。The Weequay Jedi was dispirited by the loss of so many of his students.

好多天来,它总耷拉着脑袋在空荡荡的鸡场上发闷,也提不起精神来啼叫了。For days he had drooped about the empty chicken run, too dispirited to crow.

他没有,或者不能明白,当她微笑着坐在画厅时,她已经变得日渐虚弱和憔悴了。He did not, or could not, see, as she smiled on, that she was becoming weak and dispirited.

直到医生发现他精神萎靡,一问才知真相。Discovers his energetic dispirited until doctor, as soon as asked that only then knows the truth.

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在这一年中、他设计了重建城墙的蓝图,并将一群原本被迫离开家园、灰心丧志的人组织起来。During this time, he devised the plan to rebuild the city wall. He united a divided and dispirited people.

几年之后,一个精疲力尽、有气无力的四面体来到星系部替补馆员面前说“我找到了,终于找到了要我们寻找的那颗恒星了。Several years later, a very weary and dispirited tetrahedron presented himself before the galactic sub-librarian.

还有一次,我发现有个女生上课时精神萎靡不振,每天往传达室信箱翻看信件。Another time, I found that there is a spirit of dispirited girls in class every day to read letters Chuandashi mail.

杨致远辞职后,巴茨接过CEO权杖,干了两年半,而投资者对雅虎却越来越感到沮丧。And after Yang resigned, it stood by Bartz for two-and-a-half years, even as investors grew more and more dispirited.

颓废了那么久,今天去自修室学习了,但效率比较低。Tonight I went to classroom for self-study with lower efficiency, resulting from being dispirited for such a long time.

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这个时期,欧洲唯美主义和颓废主义观念在文学领域产生了广泛影响。This time, the European aestheticism and the dispirited principle idea have had the widespread influence in the literature domain.

一心只沉溺于对昨天的回忆与眷恋,今天将黯然失色,颓唐寡欢。Only indulged wholeheartedly to yesterday the recollection and the attachment, today will be overshadowed, dispirited widowed happy.

羡昕心灰意冷,向兆良提出暂时停止筹备婚礼,因此令兆良更痛恨浩勤。Appeals to the trillion good envy xin dispirited and discouraged, temporarily stop the wedding, so the more hate HaoQin trillion good.