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在那之前,最好的办法就是作出务实的,有理有据的回应。Until then, the best we can do is a practiced, reasoned response.

侦探推断戴维被人谋财害命了。The detective reasoned that David had been murdered for his money.

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我们通过讲道理劝她打消嫁给外国人的愿望。We have reasoned her out of her wish to be married to a foreigner.

“你不能责怪互联网上的欺骗,”威索基说道。"You can't blame cheating on the Internet," Kholos Wysocki reasoned.

“为什么我要买贵的呢,我能用更少的钱买更多的靴子呀!?”,我为自己辩解。Why do that, when I can get more boots for less money!?“, I reasoned.

“你不能责怪互联网上的欺骗,”威索基说道。"You can't blame cheating on the Internet, " Kholos Wysocki reasoned.

乘客也许需要我的帮助,我这样说服自己。This passenger might be someone who needs my help. I reasoned to myself.

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关键是要确保你的决定是经过慎重考虑并且合乎情理的。The key is to make sure that your decisions are thought-out and reasoned.

他们没有我们的经历如何做出一个理性的判断呢?How possibly do they have the experience of us to make a reasoned judgement?

但是如果我们都换个想法去选β,那我们就都得到1单位效用But if we both reasoned a different way and chose Beta, then we'll both get 1.

乘客也许需要我的帮助,我这样为自己找理由。This passenger might be someone who needs my assistance, I reasoned to myself.

他推断,由于她没有给他回信,她一定是已经离开这里了。He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter she must have left here.

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他推断既然她不给他回信,她一定是生他的气了。He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter, she must be angry with him.

每逢安息日,保罗在会堂里辩论,劝化犹太人和希腊人。And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.

由于我的出发点非常消沉,因此认为新工作可能会更好。Because my starting-point was so dismal, I reasoned the new position would be better.

于是我把它塞进我的旧背包里,并按照自己的想法把背包平靠在背上。I stuffed it into my old backpack flat side towards my back as I reasoned with myself.

由于我和警察讲道理,他就只警告了我,没有给我开罚单。The police office gave me only a warning instead of a ticket because I reasoned with him.

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因为他知道织女必须穿上羽衣,才能飞回天上。He reasoned that the fairies needed to wear their beautiful clothes if they wanted to fly.

备忘录必须写得非常清晰,简洁,并且给决策者一个合理的论点。Memos must be clearly written, succinct, and give make a reasoned case to a decision-maker.

70年来科学家们推论细胞核的进化是复杂生命发展的关键。For 70 years scientists have reasoned that evolution of nucleus was the key to complex life.