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不要幻想你可以改变任何人!Do not fantasise you could change anyone!

我不梦想或幻想其他的女人。I don't fancy or fantasise about other women.

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你幻想并愉悦于并非你所拥有的。You fantasise and take delight in things that are not your own.

同时情商高可以使一个女性在房事过程中更易产生性幻想。Emotional intelligence may also make it easier for women to fantasise while in the bedroom.

很多女人在性爱过程中都会幻想起她们仰慕的偶像或者前任,这能让她们情欲高涨。A lot of women fantasise about their idol or a past lover while having sex as it turns them on.

作家不能评述历史,不能批判现实,更不能幻想未来。Writers are not allowed to talk about history, or to criticise the present, let alone fantasise about the future.

不像系列是一套在现代一天,期间电视剧给了我很多的想像空间和幻想。Unlike series that are set in the modern day, period dramas give me a lot of room for imagination and to fantasise.

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当女人幻想爱情与浪漫时,男人幻想快速汽车、更大的电脑、船和摩托车。While women fantasise about love and romance, men fantasise about fast cars, bigger computers, boats and motorcycles.

他们对于性爱往往充满幻想,让他们可以时时刻刻被你牵着走最好的办法就是,纵容他们。Guys fantasise about sex all the time and one of the best ways to keep them hooked on to you is to indulge their fantasies.

许多结了婚的人会跟别人调情,为别人神魂颠倒,那已经成了一种并不会造成伤害的风尚——同时也接受他们配偶的此类行为。And many married people flirt with and fantasise about others in a harmless fashion – and accept that behaviour in their spouses.

我不梦想或幻想其他的女人。就是这样,我和人发生性行为的愿望已经根本性的消退了。I don't fancy or fantasise about other women. It's just that, over the years, my desire to have sex with anyone at all has faded.

虽然我们幻想着富有,被尊仰或者被爱,但其实我们真正需要的只是安全、强壮、独立和满足。Though we fantasise about being wealthy, looked up to or loved, what we actually want is to be secure, strong, self-contained and content.

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但金甲虫想象着,如果人民共和国只用手中山一般的美国债卷中的一点点来兑换金条又会是怎样的结果。but gold bugs fantasise about what might happen if the people's republic were to swap just some of its mountain of Treasury bonds for bullion.

要是见了面的话,我们还怎么去一块想象我趴在她的胸口上的样子?要是在现实里,我这一身肥肉非得把可怜的她压窒息了不可。If she did, how could we ever fantasise about me crouching over her chest again? In real life, I'd suffocate the poor woman between my meaty thighs.

英国最近公布的一项调查结果显示,为了迎接新年的到来,英国有四分之一的上班族想要辞去现在的工作。It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2005 by quitting their jobs.

英国最近公布的一项调查结果显示,迎接新年的到来,英国有四分的上班族想要辞去现在的工作。It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2010 by quitting their jobs.