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你认为海洋和陆地将被破坏吗?Is it for you to ravage seas and land?

艾滋病毒和根深蒂固的贫穷蹂躏着人民.HIV and entrenched poverty ravage the population.

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而他从不会毁坏花草,当然也不会是在公墓里。He would never ravage flowers, certainly not in a cemetery.

女巫们摧残着遥远王国这片土地,连怪物们都惊恐不安。Witches ravage the land of Far Far Away and terrorize even the ogres.

各种资源的短缺仍在折磨着朝鲜已经非常脆弱的经济。Energy shortages continue to ravage North Korea's already frail economy.

在快速模式中可以选择粗野玩法,摧毁城镇,海岸线,农田和更多目标!Playit rough in Quick mode ravage towns, coast lines, farmlands and more!

林中出来的野猪,把他糟踏,野地的走兽,拿他当食物。Boars from the forest ravage it and the creatures of the field feed on it.

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蒙古人击败了波兰和土耳其人的军队,但是没有蹂躏西欧。The mongols defeat a polish and teutonic army but do not ravage western europe.

作为一种凶残的食肉动物,鱼龙可以在几秒内蹂躏最强悍的猎物。A ferocious predator, Ichthyosaur can ravage even the most hardy prey in seconds.

为了攫取一切有价值的东西,他们一次又一次的回来强取豪夺。Again and again they returned to plunder and ravage , to seize everything of value.

一头龙威胁一座城市或乡镇,除非有人能教它一个新的咒语,否则它将毁灭整座城镇。A dragon threatens to ravage a city or town unless someone can teach it a new spell.

作为一种凶残的食肉动物,鱼龙可以在几秒内蹂躏最强悍的猎物。A ferocious predator, the Ichthyosaur can ravage even the most hardy prey in seconds.

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年华易老,风流终被雨打风吹去---詹姆斯。贝蒂,诗人和哲学家。Old age comes on apace to ravage all the clime---James Beattie, poet and philosopher.

我们也许会因战争而毁灭了自己或者由于纳米技术而无意识地摧毁了这颗星球。We might destroy ourselves with warfare or unwittingly ravage the planet with nanotechnology.

全球性干旱继续肆虐农田,进一步加剧普遍的营养不良和贫困。Global droughts continue to ravage farmland, intensifying widespread malnutrition and poverty.

登革热暴发的条件已经成熟,它将一次又一次肆虐这个区域的某些地区。The conditions are ripe for outbreaks of dengue to ravage parts of this region time and time again.

士兵们肆意蹂躏着这片土地,以横扫一切的势头搜寻着另一颗龙珠。Soldiers ravage the land in search of another Dragon Ball, destroying anything that gets in their way.

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疟疾已经困扰了人类长达上千年,至今仍在整个地球上吞噬着生命。Malaria has devastated humans for millennia, and it continues to ravage civilizations across the planet.

如今,我们再一次遭遇饥荒——不光由于干旱,还与继续蹂躏索马里的冲突有关。Now, again, we see famine—not caused by drought alone, but by the conflict that continues to ravage Somalia.

就好像菲尔早就知道科比和他的队友们会狠狠的蹂躏雷霆,而裁判会放任这一点。It was as if Jackson knew that Bryant and his mates would ravage the Thunder, and the officials would let them.