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他是个大胆的恶汉。He was a bold wretch.

一个大胆的提议。A bold proposal, then.

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还真是是行动派,有魄力。It is the action, bold.

它的规定很大胆。Its provisions are bold.

我总是采取大胆的行动。I always take bold moves.

勇敢的尝试是乐成的一半。A bold attempt is half sess.

大胆的思想几乎已经过时。Bold ideas are almost passé.

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一个大胆的观点是“是的“A bold claim would say, "Yes."

站在粪堆上,公鸡也称王。A cock is bold on his dunghill.

公鸡只会在自家粪堆上显威。A cock is bold on his dunghill.

具备勇气已是胜战的一半。A bold heart is half the battle.

他是一个鲁莽的,放肆的小孩。He is a bold and impudent child.

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这个年轻人是个很英勇的武士。The young man is a bold warrior.

她的大胆举动令他目瞪口呆。He was staggered by her bold act.

她聪颖灵透、大胆抗争、招式独特。She is clever, bold and peculiar.

我们要复兴美国,就必须鼓足勇气。To renew America we must be bold.

取消以下粗体代码的注释。Uncomment the code in bold below.

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必填字段以粗体显示。Required fields are shown in bold.

有兴趣的项目用粗体表示。The items of interest are in bold.

公鸡总是在自己的粪堆上称雄。A cock is bold on his own dunghill.