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哎,韩佳,你把香瓜给我吃了。Han Jia, I ate your muskmelon.

这个瓜是面的。This muskmelon is soft and floury.

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水是甜瓜生产的重要条件之一。The water is an important factor of production in muskmelon.

香瓜香瓜又称甜瓜或甘瓜。Cantaloup Cantaloup weighs muskmelon or pleasant melon again.

甜瓜穴盘苗生长势受根域体积影响的程度取决于苗龄的大小。Effects of root-zone volume on tray seedling of muskmelon were related to seedling age.

本文研究了钙对酸雨伤害甜瓜幼苗的影响。The protective effect of calcium on muskmelon seedling harmed by acid rain was studied.

光照强度是甜瓜反季节生产的主要限制因子。The light intensity is the main limitative factor of greenhouse production in muskmelon.

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利用不同生态类型的品种,对甜瓜的果形遗传进行了研究。The muskmelon varieties of different ecotype were used to study the heredity of fruit shapes.

对80多个品种的测定结果表明,厚皮甜瓜果肉颜色与色素的含量和组成有密切关系。The content of carotenoid and flesh color of muskmelon fruit with 80 varieties were determined.

图一不同萃取法萃取洋香瓜果实中挥发性化合物之气相层析图。Fig. 1. GC chromatography of volatiles of fruits of muskmelon using different extractive methods.

近几年来在新疆甜瓜的生产中,真菌病害已成为影响新疆甜瓜产量和品质的重要因素。Fungal disease has been a serious threat to production and trait of Xinjiang muskmelon in recent years.

牛粪配方中有机物含量与甜瓜产量呈极显著正线性相关关系。The organic content in the cattle manure prescriptions was remarkably correlated linearly with muskmelon yield.

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T5和T4上栽培的甜瓜幼苗叶绿素、根系活力值均极显著大于对照。The chlorophyll and root activity of muskmelon seedling in T4 and T5 substrates were significantly superior to CK.

在水培条件下,研究了营养液低氧胁迫对网纹甜瓜幼苗生长指标、光合作用和生理代谢物质含量的影响。Effect of nutrient solution hypoxia stress on growth index, photosynthesis of muskmelon seedlings were studied in this paper.

研究了根际低氧处理对网纹甜瓜幼苗氮代谢的影响。The effects of root-zone hypoxia treatment on nitrogen metabolism in muskmelon seedlings were studied in a hydroponic culture system.

综上所述,施用生物有机肥能有效防治田间条件下根结线虫对甜瓜的危害。In conclusion, application of bio-organic fertilizers in field conditions could effectively control damages caused by RKN to muskmelon.

对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。The adaptative characters, fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation.

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以薄皮甜瓜自交系为试材,探讨了不同部位外植体、苗龄、激素组合等因素对植株离体再生的影响。The thin-skin muskmelon inbred lines were used to study the effects of explants, seedling age, and hormones on plant in vitro regeneration.

探讨甜瓜幼苗壮苗指数与环境温度、光辐射的关系。The aim of this study was to probe into the relationship between vigorous muskmelon seedling index and environmental temperature and radiation.

对日光温室两个厚皮甜瓜品种果实发育中后期植株生理特性及果实发育规律进行了研究。The experiment on plant physiology characteristics of muskmelon during late period of fruit development was carried out in solar heated greenhouse.