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我在米德兰御行开有花畏。I have an with Midland Bank.

我在米德兰银行开有户头。I have an account with Midland Bank.

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丹·卡尔森,阿拉巴马州米德兰市报道。Dan Carsen reporting from Midland city, Alabama.

由美联物业服务提供的主要因素。Service which provides by Midland Realty is the main factor.

1992年收购英国米特兰银行后,汇丰将总部迁至伦敦。It moved to London in 1992 when it purchased the UK's Midland Bank.

若要继续,反过来R过去的大英图书馆和L下降米德兰路。To continue, turn R past the British Library and L down Midland Rd.

金链花与红花山楂是观赏价值很高的观花乔木。Goldenchain Tree and Midland Hawthorn are very good ornamental trees.

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来自柏斯市郊的流氓赶上了往弗里曼特尔的末班车。Two thugs from the Perth suburb of Midland catch the last train to Fremantle.

这可能杀死数百万人,并在中国内地要害部位造成严重破坏。This could kill millions of people and wreak havoc on a vital part of China’s midland.

某种程度上,剑桥的影响是支持了东中部方言。To some extent, Cambridge's influence would be used in support of the East Midland dialect.

除了跑在米德兰和超级亚久里车队的前面之外,还有什么别的改进吗?Aside from moving ahead of Midland and Super Aguri, what other improvements have taken place?

德国汉莎航空公司收购了瑞士航空公司和比利时航空公司,并且全权控制了英国米德兰。Lufthansa has swallowed Swissair and Sabena, and has taken full control of bmi British Midland.

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硕士学位后,他准备去塔克森的一个好友的农场,中途他去了米德兰看望朋友。Master's degree in hand, he headed for a buddy's ranch in Tacson and stopped to visit friends in Midland.

美联亚装饰企业是一家集家装、公装、室内装饰设计。Midland and adornment enterprise is a collection of domestic outfit, male outfit, interior decoration design.

米德兰电梯公司成立于1984年,专注于电梯维修与改造。Established in 1984, Midland Elevator Company focuses primarily on elevator maintenance, repair and modernization.

对兰开厦和米律兰的经营者来说,略胜一筹之处是他们在各自公司经营范围内所确立的新的垄断地位。A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies' own areas.

这种来自大学的东中部类型的英语的支持大多来自剑桥。Such support as the East Midland type of English received from the universities must have mostly come from Cambridge.

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米兰德制砖有限公司作为世界上最大的制砖工厂已被载入吉尼斯世界纪录大全。Midland Brick Company has been acknowledged in the GUINNESS BOOK of WORLD RECORDS as the largest brickworks in the world.

嘉吉集团、孟山都、阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰公司和IBM等企业与大学进行合作的项目也可以出资。University partnerships with companies such as Cargill, Monsanto, Archer Daniels Midland and IBM could also fill the bill.

你认为丰田公司为威廉姆斯提供引擎会在明年对米德兰车队造成怎样的影响?是帮助还是阻碍?How do you think Toyota supplying engines to Williams is going to affect Midland next year? Will it be a help or a hindrance?