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谁为我铺新床?Who makes the bridal bed.

这些都是新娘子的嫁妆啊。These are all bridal dowries.

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她试穿上结婚号衣。She tried on her bridal dress.

就是那新妇的爱。That's the bridal love to You.

你看这送亲的队伍好长啊!The bridal procession is so long!

他们正在新婚旅行。They are now making a bridal tour.

她将新娘拱形头饰用花缠起来。She twined the bridal arch with flowers.

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这户人家的室内装修真是没说的。The bridal chamber is sumptuously decorated.

都没时间办订婚晚会或者新娘送礼会。No time for an engagement party or bridal shower.

我要在那儿欣喜地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。I'll sew my bridal dress for next life with delight.

花轿是传统婚礼的核心内容之一。The bridal sedan is the core of the traditional wedding.

这是一本很棒的书,有很多新娘手捧花的创意设计。A really great book to get ideas for your bridal bouquet.

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洞房之夜,汤姆住在马莉家与她一起。On the bridal night, Tom stayed at Mary's house with her.

其中一个开心的家伙既穿着婚纱,又穿着燕尾服。One happy fellow wore a bridal skirt and a tuxedo jacket.

到头来都是为他人作嫁衣裳。Tis nought but making bridal clothes for other folk to wear.

当然,我对婚纱和新娘装也特别的热爱。Of course my love extends to wedding and bridal fashion, too.

如果是定制的,我们必须选择合适的定制婚纱店。If it is custom, we must choose the right custom bridal salon.

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在传统上,新娘花束时儿女满堂的象征。The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.

三点秋香真情在,春心拥抱入洞房。Three point Qiu-xiang truth in love, hug into the bridal chamber.

我想我这周末会去婚纱店试穿这件。I think I'll go to the bridal boutique this weekend and try it on.