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我刚在收件箱里看到这篇文章。I just received this in my inbox.

你像我一样是个收件箱洁癖症患者吗?Are you an inbox zero freak like me?

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这封电子信件就是我的特罗亚。The letter in the inbox was my Troas.

现在如果你申请了Gmail优先收件箱。So I give you your Gmail Priority Inbox.

列出用户创建的文件夹在收件箱中。Lists the user-created folders in the Inbox.

等你回到家,你的收件箱足有一英尺厚。When you come back, your inbox is a foot high.

我的电子邮件收件箱是我非常重视的一个资源。One resource I rather value is my e-mail inbox.

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将所有的文件放在你办公桌的收件箱文件盘里。Put all papers on your desk in your Inbox tray.

声音的收件箱是一个电话应答机为你的电话。Voice Inbox is an answering machine for your phone.

左边的那个大竖栏基本上是你的收件箱。The larger column on the left is basically your inbox.

你的收件夹是你来往信息的稳固渠道。Your inbox is a steady stream of incoming information.

点击这个按钮就可以直接进入你的收件箱。Clicking on the button takes you straight to your inbox.

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每天我都查看收文蓝,什么也没看见。I check my inbox every day, and I haven't seen anything.

但是就算是一个电子邮件收信信箱也可以是一个查询。But even an e-mail inbox can be a queue, and it often is.

从你的收件箱中可以挖掘出很多花絮出来。There are lots of tidbits you can extract from your inbox.

LG是首例,紧接着的是Xobni,社交邮箱插件。LG is up first, followed by Xobni, the social inbox plugin.

我总是不断地清除收件夹里的垃圾邮件。It takes me forever to clear my Inbox of all this junk mail!

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采用策略管理的方式清理收件箱,有助于管理收件箱的大小Policy management of inbox cleanup to help manage inbox sizes

那收信信箱软体到打开当选择到打开这收信信箱。Which inbox software to open when choosing to open the inbox.

你可能用过电子邮件过滤器来保证收件箱没有垃圾邮件。You may be using ae-mail spam filter to keep your inbox clean.