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轻轻地把他们撬开,取下。Gently pry then off.

水流平缓。The water flows gently.

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缓缓地拌和鸡蛋。Gently fold in the eggs.

随波慢慢流去。Go gently with the flow.

湖面泛起涟漪。The lake rippled gently.

她的嘴微微一撇。Her mouth quirked gently.

我轻轻地抚摸他的脸。I gently stroked his face.

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轻轻放下小椅子。Put the chair down gently.

驻足此地,或轻轻走过!Stop here, or gently pass!

地势平缓。The terrain slopes gently.

他轻轻地触动琴键。He touched the keys gently.

翡翠温柔地冲着他笑了。Hisui smiles gently at him.

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风轻轻地吹着。The wind is blowing gently.

道路结冰时要缓慢地刹车。When it's icy brake gently.

她轻轻地抚摸他的双臂。She gently stroked his arms.

南风轻轻地吹拂。The south wind blows gently.

她轻轻地触摸丝绸。She fingered the silk gently.

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以纸巾拭除残留在面上的按摩霜。Gently wipe off with a tissue.

她轻轻地向他依偎。She Snuggles up to him gently.

我的吉他仍旧轻轻地哭泣着。Still my guitar, gently weeps.