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曲张组肥大细胞外膜、中膜、内膜少量散在分布。Varicose group of intima and media, adventitia few scattered mast cells.

主动脉瓣上方的血管内膜光滑,不伴有动脉粥样硬化。The aorta above the valve displays a smooth intima with no atherosclerosis.

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突然减速也可能造成主动脉内膜的剪式裂伤。Sudden deceleration may also result in shearing injury to the intima of the aorta.

毒囊由肌肉鞘、扁平细胞层和内膜构成,不含分泌细胞。The reservoir consists of a muscular sheath, a layer of squamous cells and intima.

心肌架桥处的血管内膜常可免于粥状硬化。The intima of the bridged arterial segment is generally spared from atherosclerosis.

而毒囊由肌肉鞘、分泌细胞、扁平细胞层和内膜构成。The reservoir consists of muscular sheath, secretory cells, squamous cells and intima.

内膜内陷到各个分泌细胞间,形成一个外面由管状细胞包裹的管腔。The intima invaginates into each secretory cell and forms a duct which is surrounded by duct cells.

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模型组血管内膜明显增厚,内膜中有大量炎性细胞浸润、泡沫细胞聚集,重者可见核心坏死及胆固醇结晶。Many inflammatory cells and foam cells in intima. There are a mount of cholesterol crystal in severe ones.

可见内膜有局灶性点、片状隆起,呈黄白色。Fatty streaks consist of aggregates of lipid-laden macrophages and T lymphocytes on the intima of arteries.

血管内膜增生及水肿,并造成血管狭窄或阻塞。The intima was hyperplastic and edematous and consequently the vessel lumen became narrower or was obstructed.

囊肿远端在保证胰液引流通畅、不损伤胰管开口的基础上,尽量切净囊肿内膜。It should clean the tunica intima of cyst, not injury debouch of pancreas, and ensure unobstructed pancreatic fluid flowing.

受精囊腺的细胞具有一条曲折的细胞内分泌小管,贯穿内膜开口于腺腔。Intracellular canaliculi are found in the gland cells of the spermathecalglands, which open into the lumen through the intima.

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传统上是以受过专业训练的医生,以手工的方式描绘出。The traditional method for tracing the intima and adventitia curves is manual measurement performed by experienced physicians.

香桂丸可显著抑制异位内膜组织的生长,并对细胞因子有明显的调节作用。Xianggui pill can restrain significantly the growth of allotopia intima tissue, and has apparently adjustment to the cytokine.

组织学及扫描电镜观察封堵器表面内膜及内皮生长情况。After imaging assessment, LAA was examined for device intima growth, migration and any thrombosis, both grossly and histologically.

但是,在任一总体中都没发现颈总动脉壁内膜中层厚度与任何CRP基因多肽性有关。Howeer, there was no association between carotid artery wall intima -media thickness and any CRP gene polymorphism in either population.

于是,单核球就好比追踪猎物气味的猎犬一般,从内皮细胞之间的缝隙挤身而过,顺著这些物质的踪迹进到内膜里头。Much as hounds track the scent of their prey, the monocytes squeeze between endothelial cells and follow the chemical trail to the intima.

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我们推测动脉粥样硬化形成过程中血管平滑肌细胞能量代谢发生了改变。During atherogenesis, vascular smooth muscle cells proliferate, migrate from tunica intima to media and uptake lipid then become foam cells.

减少术侧后肢髂股动脉内膜厚度和内膜面积比率,减轻术侧后肢髂股动脉管腔狭窄程度。The thickness and the ratio of intima area of the iliofemoral artery of the injured hind limb were decreased, while the stenosis extent was improved.

结论益生菌能纠正腹腔感染大鼠的肠道菌群紊乱,减少细菌易位,从而保护肠黏膜。Conclusion Probiotics can correct intestinal flora disturbance, decrease the occurrence of gut bacteria translocation and protect the intestinal intima.