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臭气污染物可以引起不严重的厌烦。Odorous pollutants can cause minor annoyance.

常用恶臭气体处理技术研究。Existing odorous gas treatment processes research.

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这是人体内一种有害、发臭的气体。It's a kind of harmful and odorous air in the human body.

在日出给我一个开满美丽花朵的花园,芳香四溢,我在花园步行,没有人打扰。Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where Ican walk undisturbed.

在一对旧袜子里装满小苏打,放在有臭味鞋里或小孩的壁橱里。Fill a pair of old socks with baking soda and place it in odorous shoes or your kid’s closet.

第一个是增强我们的嗅觉能力,提高对空气里气味分子的感知察觉。The first is that it increases our ability to smell, enhancing the detection of odorous molecules in the air.

我认为这是首次有人证明细菌细胞实际上能够感知有气味的气体,比如说想氨气。I think it's the first time someone has shown that bacterial cells can actually sense odorous gases like ammonia.

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采用催化型活性炭除臭装置对污水泵站产生的臭气进行净化。The catalytic activated carbon deodorizing device was used for purifying odorous gases in sewage pumping station.

腐乳生产过程中色、香、味、体的形成都与微生物的作用密切相关。The formation of colour, fragrantness, odorous and shape in the process of sufu isespecially correlative with microbe.

而生物食物链中最基本的一项机制,就是透过微生物来消费分解高等生物所制造的废弃污泥并除臭。This web includes the ongoing biological consumption or breakdown of odorous sludge matters from human and agricultural waste.

这些所谓的活性或活化炭广泛用于吸附气体或液体中的有味或有色物质。These so-called active, or activated, charcoals are widely used to adsorb odorous or coloured substances from gases or liquids.

藻源异味化合物引起的水体问题,是饮用水工业和水产养殖业长期关注热点。Off-flavor problems caused by algae-producing odorous compounds have been of the focuses in drinking water industry and aquaculture.

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这种细菌喷雾先是由一组六株细菌分解混合气味,然后再释放一种由橘子皮制成的香水气味。First, a set of six strains of bacteria work to break down the odorous compounds and then a perfume made from orange peel lightly scents the air.

随着恶臭气体污染成为环境污染的重大问题,对恶臭气体的控制和治理逐渐兴起。The technology of controlling and treating odorous waste gas was risen up gradually as odorous gas became one of the gravest environment pollution.

那时正当烂缦的春天,戏院的窗门统统开着,外面繁花正盛,它们的香气带着一种新生命的意识弥漫在空中。The windows were open, and the flowers were blooming everywhere, odorous , with that sense of new life in the air which runs through the world when spring comes back.

在去提帕萨的路上,途径一个朝向海滩的村庄,我们走进去,就进入了一个由蓝色和黄色组成的世界,阿尔及利亚的夏日用其充满刺鼻气味的一声长叹来迎接我们。The village we pass through to get there already opens on the bay. We enter a blue and yellow world and are welcomed by the pungent, odorous sigh of the Algerian summer earth.

通过检测黑臭水体对周围一定范围内空气中微生物的污染,说明其对周围空气质量的影响。By detecting the contaminates which the black and odorous water body brings, this paper explains the impacts on the black and odorous water body over environmental air quality.

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文中阐述了炼油厂排放有害气体的危害性,对常见的恶臭气体产生源、恶臭气体的种类进行分析并对不同的治理方法进行了讨论。The harms of the emissions of harmful gasses from refineries are expounded, and the sources and the kinds of odorous gasses are analyzed and the various treatment methods are discussed.

研究了用生物滴滤塔处理恶臭气体时单一及组合填料的压降和吸附性能。The pressure drop and adsorptive capability of single packing materials and compound packing materials were investigated when the biotrickling filter tower was used to treat odorous gas.