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类知识分四个虚拟模块组织。The class knowledge is organized as four suppositional modules.

淘宝店做虚拟赚钱快么????The store makes naughty treasure suppositional make money quickly? ? ? ?

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动画是一门时空艺术,它同时也是一门高度假定的幻觉艺术。Animation is an art of space time, it is also a kind of hyper- suppositional illusion art.

在这个意义上说,戏曲的虚拟表现方法符合艺术的深层规律。In this sense, the suppositional way of expression conforms to the underlying laws of art.

虚拟听闻环境是模拟封闭系统的听音效果,能给人一种身临其境的感受。A suppositional environment is hearing effect of a simulated closed system to provide a feeling as in the environment.

近年来,图书情报系统发展主流模式正在逐步走向虚拟信息服务系统。In recent years, the main trend of the bibliographical information system is gradually leading to a suppositional one.

侵犯虚拟财产要受到民法的制裁,危害性严重的还构成犯罪。Invading suppositional property must be punished by civil law, and if the invasion has serious danger, it is criminal.

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但是对于侵犯虚拟财产的取证、价值衡量和精神损害赔偿问题还需要立法的完善。Proof investigation and value measure and mind injury compensation of suppositional property needs legality perfection.

本文分析了心电图机中浮地电路的隔离电源,隔离信号两部分线路。This paper describes the suppositional grounding circuit of isolation power and isolation signal of the electrocardiography.

最后,对制造型企业的虚拟营销提出了具体的策略,并归纳出一定的结论。Finally, it gives the detailed tactics of suppositional sale for manufacturing-type enterprises , and draws some conclusions.

就我认为,这是很矛盾的。因为网络是虚拟的,二人的灵魂是真的。所以,我们还是要面对现实。For me , this very contradiction because meshwork is suppositional or the inner man at real but we just the same much face the facts.

假如考虑到电子商务的基础上,企业必须把虚拟管理财政事务付诸实践。To supposing taking Electronic Commerce as basis, enterprise must put suppositional administration of financial affairs into practice.

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虚拟现实技术所具有的优点,使它成为满足现代建筑设计要求的关键技术。The merits of the suppositional environment technology has become the key technology to meet the demands of the modern architecture design.

电子合同是通过互联网这一虚拟交易市场利用电子数据的传递与交换订立的意思表示真实的契约。Electronic contract equals real contract by using transference and exchanges of electronic data in the suppositional exchange market-Internet.

将吸附带以某一虚拟速度运动,通过物料衡算可以建立固定床吸附操作模型方程。Supposing adsorption belt moves at a suppositional rate, the adsorption model equation in fixed bed can be set up through material calculation.

其次,分析了虚拟营销中存在的风险,介绍了风险评估的方法,提出了虚拟代理商风险回避的具体措施。Secondly, it analyses the risk of suppositional sale, introduces the risk evaluation methods and points out the detailed measures to avoid risk.

很多大学生声称,他们可以找到他们的生命价值的虚拟世界虽然这样的价值是虚拟。Many college students claim that they can find the values of their lives in the suppositional world although such kind of value is suppositional.

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互联网技术无疑是当今世界最为激动人心的高新技术之一,它的出现和快速发展,形成了一个与现实世界相对独立的虚拟空间。Internet technology is the newest and exciting technology in the world. with highly speed development, it becomes a suppositional space relative real world.

英语教学是现代远程教育的一个重要组成部分,其基本模式有网络课堂教学、交互式教学和虚拟课堂教学。English teaching is an important part of distance education. The basic patterns are network classroom teaching, alternate teaching and suppositional teaching.

它为使用者提供了虚拟环境之间进行自然交互的手段,这是人们最渴望的人机接口技术。Gesture recognition provides the user a means to interact in suppositional environment, which is a kind of human-computer interaction techniques most expected.