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他们正在策划一个新的生物工程学的反贪污运动。They are planning a new campaign against corruption in Bioengineering.

在生物医学成像和生物工程的国家研究所所取得的图像。Image via the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering.

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当今生物工程学的一个主要应用领域是生物医学工程。A major area of application in bioengineering today is biomedical engineering.

生物工程的源动因,就是希望充分控制有机体,以便对其进行改进。The root of bioengineering is the desire to control the organic long enough to improve it.

针对生物工程领域显微操作的要求和特点,设计并实现了一个显微视觉系统。A micro-vision system was presented to meet the requirements of micromanipulation in the field of bioengineering.

米罗诺夫是世界上少数几个研究生物工程培养肉的科学家之一。Mironov is one of just a handful of scientists around the world who are involved in bioengineering cultured meat.

非侵略性的皮生物工程技术的新近的来临已经在这个领域加速皮肤病学研究。The recent advent of non-invasive skin bioengineering technology has accelerated dermatology research in this field.

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波尔汉是美国宾州大学生物工程副教授与神经模铸工程师。KWABENA BOAHEN is a neuromorphic engineer and associate professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania.

生物工程也是一种工程,是一种与传统意义截然不同的工程。Bioengineering is also a kind of engineering. It is an engineering that is different from that with conventional sense.

这种生物工程其实是将数百年来农民所采用的嫁接与授粉加速化。This form of bioengineering is an accelerated version of the cross pollination that farmers have practiced for centuries.

它利用现代生物工程技术,依托高新技术,结合了现代中药的研发技术,丰富和发展了传统白酒的内涵。The liquor was produced by modern bioengineering techniques and hi-techs coupled with modern herbs development techniques.

技艺精湛的他虽然属于管理者种姓,但在生物工程学方面的才能甚至能和同胞中的塑造者相媲美。This highly skilled member of the Intendent caste has bioengineering talents that rival the skilled Shapers of his people.

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在生物工程公司的工厂和类神经网络计算机的芯片内,有机体和机器正在合并。In the factories of bioengineering firms and in the chips of neural-net computers, the organic and the machine are merging.

我下节课会讲,我们现在知道,有很多方法能做到这一点,并能替代上述生物医学工程方法We now know, and I'm going to talk about next time, lots of ways to do this, alternatives to this method of bioengineering.

果蝇细胞作为真核细胞基因表达的载体和受体系统是生物工程的一个重要研究内容。As the vector and acceptor system of gene expression in eukaryote , Drosophila cells are an important aspect of bioengineering.

该实验室附属于EPFL生物工程研究所和瑞士实验癌症研究所。The laboratory is affiliated with the EPFL's Institute of Bioengineering and the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research.

离子束生物工程学是一门带有创新的交叉学科,至今已取得许多研究成果。Ion beam bioengineering is a cross-disciplinary subject which firstly created in China. Lots of results have been achieved in this new field.

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生物工程和组织的讨论将会补充治疗这些课程,目标是促进转化的方法。Discussion of bioengineering and tissue-based therapies will complement these sessions, with the aim of facilitating translational approaches.

现年56岁的米罗诺夫博士是一位生物学家和组织工程师,也是全世界为数不多的通过生物工程“培育”肉的科学家之一。A developmental biologist and tissue engineer, Mironov, 56, is one of only a few scientists worldwide involved in bioengineering "cultured" meat.

天然彩色棉是采用杂交、基因等现代生物工程技术培育出的一种在吐絮时就具有天然色彩的棉花。Natural colored cotton is born with natural color, its character is attained by hybridizing and gene conversion modern bioengineering technology.