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西印度群岛的一种带刺小乔木。Small spiny west indian tree.

然后,你知道的,它有个尖尖的刺刺。Then, You know, It had something spiny h.

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然后,你知道的,它有个尖尖的刺刺。Then, You know, It had something spiny head.

然后,你知道的,它有个尖尖的刺头儿。Then, you know, it had something spiny head.

针鼹妈妈生一到两个蛋。The mother spiny anteater lays one or two eggs.

多数的龙体型庞大,浑身带刺。A lot of dragons have giant scales and are spiny.

长满刺的龙虾试探着爬过海底。A spiny lobster shyly crawls across the seafloor.

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通常多刺的热带灌木的旧大陆的属。Old World genus of tropical evergreen usually spiny shrubs.

整个森林被这种小小的多刺生物集团占领。Whole forests are set adrift by these spiny little regiments.

多刺灌木或乔木的小科产于美国西南部。Small family of spiny shrubs or trees of southwestern United States.

亚洲的一种观赏灌木,具有多刺的枝和粉红色或红色的花。Asiatic ornamental shrub with spiny branches and pink or red blossoms.

这些小的,多刺的棘皮动物能够找到在全世界的海洋。These small, spiny echinoderms are found in oceans all over the world.

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脊柱,椎骨脊突带尖刺的部位或结构,如脊椎动物的。A sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.

加州常绿野生李属植物,多刺革质树叶,白色花冠。California evergreen wild plum with spiny leathery leaves and white flowers.

它尺寸大呈绿色,表面多刺,果肉柔软,可以分段食用。It is a large green fruit with spiny exteriors and soft and edible segments.

川续断属的草本植物,原产于旧大陆,头状花序围绕者有刺的苞片。Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts.

蝴蝶或蛾子的幼虫,形似蠕虫,通常体色鲜艳,有毛或有刺。The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.

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这种龙虾导弹填充有硝石,易燃液体和金属片。This spiny missile would be filled with saltpeter, flammable liquid, and metal filings.

欧亚的一种植物,具有疏松的粉红色或紫色总状花序、有刺的茎和坚韧的根。Eurasian plant having loose racemes of pink or purple flowers and spiny stems and tough roots.

报道了中国龙虾在不同盐度条件下的适应、存活和生长情况。This paper deals with the habit salinity condition of the spiny lobster , Panulirus stimpsoni.