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我们说的封建主义,是指什么呢?What do we mean by feudalism ?

封建主义的残余不会很快消失。The hulk of feudalism will not quickly fade away.

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英国直到1660年才废除封建制度。Feudalism was not abolished in England until 1660.

在西方,城市成为市民阶层反封建的堡垒。In West, city was a fort for citizen against feudalism.

所有的这一切都是封建主义和资本主义再现。All of these are the survivals of feudalism and capitalism.

他结束了封建制度在法国的控制,并让国家向现代化的方向发展。Louis ended feudalism in France and modernized the country.

但封建主义思想意识却以一种残余的形式隐躲下来。But feudalism ideology hides actually by one remaining form.

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但它同时也是对封建制度和包办婚姻的一记猛击。But it was also a bold attack on feudalism and arranged marriage.

大家知道,一个是帝国主义,一个是封建主义。As everybody knows, imperialism is one target and feudalism the other.

中国古代五刑主要分为奴隶制五刑和封建制五刑。It includes five penalties of slavery and five penalties of feudalism.

清朝是中国漫长封建君主专制统治的最后一个王朝。The Qing Dynasty is the last feudalism dynasty in our Chinese history.

这是继神权政治象形文字之后的封建制度象形文字。They are the hieroglyphics of feudalism succeeding those of theocracy.

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这对消除封建残余很有作用。This was very effective in eradicating the remaining evils of feudalism.

我们认为中国是在秦朝建立后进入封建制的。It is said Chian had come into feudalism since the Qin Dynasty was founded.

在城市里,人们高谈科学,可是在农村,封建主义仍然在泛滥。In cities people talked about science, but feudalism flourished on the land.

西罗马帝国的灭亡标志着欧洲封建制度的开始。The fall of the West Rome Empire marked the beginning of feudalism in Eurpoe.

所以反对封建主义是中国革命的一个根本任务。Therefore, opposing feudalism is a fundamental task of the Chinese revolution.

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封建残存对艺术灵魂的桎酷使它在一个新的时期做了巧妙的伪装。The remaining of the Feudalism shackles the art spirit, it masks the art spirit.

这标志着反帝国反封建的斗争取得了初步胜利。This marked an initial victory for the struggle against imperialism and feudalism.

这是封建主义向中国的专制寡头最后告别时发出的半夜里猫头鹰一样的凄厉叫声。With an owl scream in the dark, feudalism paid its last tribute to China's despot.