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文章写得文理不通。The essay is ungrammatical and incoherent.

一些电影名字奇怪,语法结构混乱。Some films have strange names and ungrammatical structures.

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程序执行后,计算机可自动完成对输入句子合法性的判断。By the program, an input sentence can be judged grammatical or ungrammatical automatically by computers.

根据这些例子可以看出,关于法语的语法不合文法这个观点是愚蠢的。On the basis of these examples, it would be foolish to suggest that the French language is ungrammatical.

送审作品普遍在英文的注解上偏弱,作品中看到很多「一厢情愿」、不合文法的英文。Most competition entries this year are weak in English project description. There are lots of ungrammatical English blatantly used.

插入语是一个句子中即使被删掉也不影响句子的部分。A parenthetical clause or phrase is one that can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence or making it ungrammatical.

在写作过程中,汉语被用来帮助修改一些不合乎英语语法规则和习惯的单词及词组。While in the revising-process, the Chinese is used to help the student writers to modify some ungrammatical and awkward words and expressions.

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“你行你来做,不行少啰嗦”将中国文化中特有的词语和不符合英语语法的翻译奇怪而又有趣地组合在了一起。"You can you up, no can no bb" is a bizarre but interesting combination of Chinese culturally specific words and ungrammatical English translations.

由其它口头语言发现英语自身缺乏语法种类,但却没有人对英语的不足和不合文法的情况提出争议。English itself lacks grammatical categories found in other spoken languages, but no one argues that it is deficient or ungrammatical for that reason.

为了展示这类动物能感知句法,阿部的研究团队给它们播放打乱次序的、“不合语法规则的”雀科小鸟混合叫声并观察它们的反应。To show a sense of syntax in the animals, Abe's team played jumbled "ungrammatical" remixes of finch songs to the birds and measured the response calls.

印尼的最新吸引观光客的活动出师不利,官员尴尬地坦承一句主要口号不合乎文法,并下令改正。Indonesia's latest campaign to lure tourists got off to a rocky start after embarrassed officials acknowledged that a key slogan was ungrammatical and ordered it corrected.

许多同志省掉了不应当省掉的主词、宾词,或者把副词当动词用,甚至于省掉动词,这些都是不合文法的。Many comrades tend to omit the subject or the object of a sentence when it should not be omitted, or use adverbs as verbs or even leave out verbs. All this is ungrammatical.

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另外,笔者还主张采用“辖域平行条件”来解释截省句不能修复孤岛的两种情况,即萌生型截省句和存在焦点化关联语的截省句。In addition, I adopt the Scope Parallelism to rule out the ungrammatical Sluicing sentences with implicit correlates and focused correlates, which do not exhibit island repair effects.

一个字一个字的将一种语言翻译成另一种语言常常导致不合法和无意义的句子。这一点能够通过下面法语句子的翻译来说明。Word -for- word translations from one language to another often result in ungrammatical or meaningless sentences. This can be illustrated by translating the following French sentences.