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卢旺达离完全恢复还很远。Rwanda is far from fully recovered.

卢旺达陷于种族灭绝的阵痛。Rwanda was in the throes of genocide.

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卢旺达是非洲的耶教国家。Rwanda is an African Christian country.

最后可以共乘的士去卢旺达的基加利。End with a shared taxi ride to Kigali, Rwanda.

我们洁身自好,却眼见种族灭绝吞没卢旺达。We stay out, and watch genocide engulf Rwanda.

当我的车出现故障的时候,我正在卢旺达某处。I am somewhere in Rwanda when my car breaks down.

他说,最后多数毯子被送往卢安达和库德斯坦。Much of it, he said, ended up in Rwanda and Kurdistan.

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英联邦同意卢旺达作为第54个成员国的加入。The Commonwealth has admitted Rwanda as its 54th member.

对于以前的比利时殖民者来说,卢旺达就是个天堂。To the former Belgian colonizers, Rwanda was a paradise.

Francoise卡纳尼是在卢旺达保健中心护士。Francoise Kanani is a nurse at a health center in Rwanda.

该组织由卢旺达饭店的明星、演员钱德尔负责。It was hosted by actor Don Cheadle, the star of Hotel Rwanda.

目前为止,仅有利比里亚,卢旺达和唐桑尼亚实现了该项目标。So far, only Liberia, Rwanda and Tanzania have met that goal.

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卢旺达每年要向各类捐助者报告890项卫生指标的情况。Rwanda has to report, to various donors, on 890 health indicators.

2010年世界环境日庆祝活动的全球主办国是卢旺达。The global host of the 2010 World Environment Day celebration is Rwanda.

比鲁塔重申卢旺达坚定奉行一个中国原则。Biruta reaffirmed that Rwanda resolutely follows the one-China principle.

布什先生和他的妻子将访问贝宁、加纳、利比里亚、卢旺达和坦桑尼亚。Mr Bush and his wife will visit Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Rwanda and Tanzania.

又如卢安达,我们再回想,真的是不堪回首。Thinking back to Rwanda memories arise that are truly unbearable to recall.

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让他始终感到懊悔的是,他对1994年卢旺达种族屠杀不闻不问。To his lasting regret, he turned a blind eye to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

Kabuga逃离卢旺达之后,被认为躲藏在非洲某地,可能在肯尼亚。Kabuga fled Rwanda and is believed to be elsewhere in Africa, possibly Kenya.

现在,孟格尔是卢旺达和平队的一名计划及训练主管。Today, Gordy Mengel is a Peace Corps programming and training officer in Rwanda.