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不要听他那考虑不周全的主意!Don't listen to his inconsiderable idea.

他在一个小小村落中度过他的一生。He passed his life in an inconsiderable village.

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不要听他那考虑不周全的主意!Don't listen to his idea that is inconsiderable !

他已建立起一个相当大规模的商业购物中心。He has built up a not inconsiderable business mall.

出口牵涉到的资源投资是很庞大的。Exporting may involve a not inconsiderable investment of resources.

见过,不错,而且看得非常高兴。Yes, indeed, and received no inconsiderable pleasure from the sight.

我们已经在这个项目上投入了相当大的一笔资金。We have spent a not inconsiderable amount of money on the project already.

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所有其它的发明和发现都显得微不足道,或至少退居次要地位。All other inventions and discoveries were inconsiderable or at least subordinate.

而是伴随整个追求幸福的过程中的平凡不屑的稀疏时刻。But that little ordinary inconsiderable moment of the whole process of the pursuit.

当然了,拍摄外景地选在罗马并非无足轻重,而是又一吸引人之处。Of course shooting the film in Rome was an added feature of not inconsiderable weight.

所以,海洋的深度,要是和它的面积一比,也许是浅得不足道也。So, probably, the depth of the ocean will be found to be very inconsiderable compared with its breadth.

见过,不错,而且看得非常高兴。你常到宫里去跳舞吗?Yes, indeed, and received no inconsiderable pleasure from the sight. Do you often dance at St. James's?

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当莱吉尔马赛进行的时候,保罗对“活力火花”确信无疑,这是一匹很不显眼的马。And when the Leger was coming on, Paul was "sure" about Lively Spark, which was a quite inconsiderable horse.

当然,她自己也可直接占到不少便宜,因为这为她戏弄他们两人提供了无穷无尽的笑料。The immediate advantage to herself was by no means inconsiderable , for it supplied her with endless jokes against them both.

我依旧需要希腊文及拉丁文的组合字来解说,它们似乎还颇具有市场价值。因为这样,有时候还非要不可。The Greco-Latin compounds needed for this still seem to have a not inconsiderable market value and are occasionally indispensable for that reason.

张爱玲的悲观来自其深刻领悟个体生命的微末和悲怆及荒凉的“末世感”。Zhang's pessimism derives from her thorough comprehension that every single life is inconsiderable and tragic, and also her sense of loneliness and helplessness.

这本书为萨缪尔森赢得了不小的收入和声誉,象征着他在保持经济学对于外界的相关性方面的努力——这种努力并非总是成功的。Earning Samuelson not inconsiderable profit as well as fame, the book symbolises his not always successful efforts at maintaining the discipline's relevance to the world outside.

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尽管在经济危机中,评级机构自身的表现也并不出众,不过就连批评人士们也承认,接受低评级债券作为贷款抵押品会带来不小的风险。While the rating agencies have not exactly distinguished themselves during this crisis, even critics acknowledge that taking bonds with low ratings carries some not inconsiderable risk.

事实上,任何想让自己变得更亲切、得到自己想要的东西的人,都应该多笑。我不认为假笑不好——这是成为一名好雇员的条件之一。I have recently spent a not inconsiderable sum on having my teeth bleached, and even though it hasn't worked as well as I'd like, I'm smiling a lot more to try to get value from my investment.