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请让我赢个乐透吧!Please let me win the lotto.

把赢奖的乐透选择保存到文本文件中。We save winning lotto picks in a text file.

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乐透开奖的晚上,别人把奖赢走了。Lotto night comes and somebody else wins it.

有人有铜板吗?我正在玩刮刮乐。Anybody got a coin? I'm playing scratch lotto.

有人有铜板吗?我正在玩刮刮奖。Anybody got a coin? I am playing scratch lotto.

乐透开奖的夜晚来临了,但芭芘特还是没有运气。Lotto night comes and Babbette still has no luck.

那也是科学同样具有的目的,”洛托说。That’s the same aim that science has, ” Lotto said.

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兴趣是任何有质量的科学研究的推进器,”洛托说。That’s the driver of any quality science study, ” Lotto said.

当它时,是在乐透,谁也就不足为奇羡慕。When it is when there is envy in the Lotto , who not surprising.

此外,三分球命中已经形成了一种乐透发烧。In addition, the three-point shot has created a kind of lotto fever.

所以你真的觉得买二十张乐透彩券就一定会中?So you really think that buying twenty lotto tickets will secure a win?

另一位则说成本收益比不够高,”洛托说。The other said it wasn’t high enough cost-to-benefit ratio, ” Lotto said.

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乐透克里奥亲帮助您发挥彩票在智能及简单的途径。Lotto Creo Pro helps you to play the lottery in an intelligent and simple way.

它被称为乐透佛罗伦萨,并迅速蔓延到其他意大利城市。It was dubbed Lotto de Firenze , and it quickly spread to other Italian cities.

如果你有心情去买注刮刮乐彩票,那就去玩玩吧。If you find you're in the mood to buy a scratch-off lotto ticket, do so just for fun.

有个人一直祈求上帝让他中乐透,每个礼拜都祷告能够中乐透,但是好多年都从来没有中过。Every week he prayed to win the lotto, but many years passed and he never won the lotto.

学生们的研究成果要得到公众的承认,斯特拉德威克和洛托面临一些挑战。Strudwick and Lotto faced some challenges getting public recognition for their students’ work.

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博彩几乎渗透到了社会的每一个角落,无论是网友间的在线扑克,或者老人们购买乐透彩票。Gambling touches almost everyone, from friends playing online poker to grannies buying lotto tickets.

笨七啊,如果我赢了这个乐透,我才不会公开,以免麻烦多多。What a plonker, if i ever won the lotto LOL, i would never reveal myself, as it causes to many problems.

“这与其他旨在了解事实的科学教育计划很不相同,”洛托说。“It’s so different from other science-education programs, where the aim is to learn facts, ” Lotto said.