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我就知道你会忘记,你真不浪漫!I knew you would forget. You're so unromantic !

这看起来是平淡无奇的景色。That may seem a distinctly unromantic prospect.

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通过一次浪漫的最蹩脚之处就在于它会极不浪漫地将屏弃。The worst of having a romance is that it leaves one so unromantic.

她责备吉米昏庸、自私、爱控制、不解风情。She blamed Jim for being lethargic, selfish, controlling, and unromantic.

就整天一起待在家里,或者关在房间里就行了是吗,很不浪漫的那种。Just stay at home and may be in the room all day like that, so unromantic.

为什么你会认为搅拌机和烤面包机如此的没情调?Why do you think blenders and toaster ovens are so notoriously unromantic?

丘吉尔的一名颇为无趣的副官更简单称她为“性与政治”的结合。An unromantic aide of Churchill said simply that she mixed “sex and politics”.

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任何浪漫行为的最糟糕的后果是叫人从此浪漫不起来。The worst of having a romance of any kind is that it leaves one so unromantic.

知道生命有多么宝贵,而一份平淡的生活就是幸福。They know the life is so costful , and an unromantic living with the true happiness.

现在她们低低地抽咽只因为那风儿不解风情亦是由于咱们要分开了?Now they low sob just because the wind is also unromantic because we want to separate?

我们再也没有一起做些事了,因为你懒惰、没情调、枯燥乏味。We never do anything together anymore because you are lazy, unromantic , and just boring.

他喜欢讲这个故事,因为听上去一点也不浪漫却总是开怀大笑,这才是关键。He loves to tell the story because it sounds so unromantic and always gets a laugh, which is the point.

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汪诗风格多样,但尤为突出的是平淡自然和典雅庄重的艺术风格。The Wang poem style is diverse, what but outstandingly is the unromantic and the elegant grave artistic style.

然而对于那些没有浪漫意识的人来说,无论男女,都认为其行为的公众吸引力是无关紧要的。For both sexes, however, those in an unromantic mood were indifferent to the public visibility of their choices.

甚至如果可能的话,我绝不想把我父亲的性情压制成如此一个平淡无奇的特点。And even if it were possible, I would never want to condense my father’s motivations to such an unromantic singularity.

尽管最终回到了克瑞斯廷那里,电影的结局明显地不浪漫。Truffaut once wrote, And although Antoine ultimately returns to Christine, the ending of the movie is notable unromantic.

他是我见过的最不浪漫的人,从来不送花给我,也从来不给我惊喜,我们的婚姻生活平淡无味。He is the most unromantic man Iknow. He never bought me flowers, he never surprised me, and nothing had changed in our marriage.

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这话对于那些习惯于嘴里喊着“坠入爱河”或者“对爱情顶礼膜拜”的人来说,听起来似乎感觉很不浪漫!This may sound terribly unromantic to some who are used to hearing talk about "falling in love" or being "head over heels in love.

这些研究人员基于夫妻双方的年龄、受教育程度和婚史推出了一套可测算夫妻关系和谐度的、完全不浪漫的公式。They have developed a distinctly unromantic formula to predict how compatible a couple are based on their ages, education and previous divorces.

叔本华被公认是个毫不浪漫的哲学家,他似乎很洞悉我们陷入爱河时的紧张感觉。In an admittedly rather unromantic field, Schopenhauer is the one philosopher who seems to understand the intensity of what we feel when we fall in love.