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我有凝结了同类一个骑兵。I'd clotted like a trooper.

这个骑兵超假了。The trooper overstayed his leave.

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骑警同意让他呆在原处不动。The trooper agreed to let him stay put.

在游览区外面,一个州警署的警察示意我们停下来。A state trooper waved us down outside the resort.

一个休班的州警察在拉格朗日大街被杀害。An off-duty state trooper was killed on LaGrange Street.

一名ARC中尉,ARC上尉与一名克隆人列兵。An ARC lieutenant, ARC captain and clone trooper private.

冲锋队建制的基本单位是单个士兵。The basic unit of organization was the individual trooper.

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高速公路巡警通过我的车窗皱着眉头问我。The State Trooper asked, frowning at me through my car window.

一名印第安纳州州警因为违反交通拦下一辆轿车。An Indiana state trooper stopped a car for a traffic violation.

我的天哪,我是一名骑兵,对伦敦奥运开幕式期待了许久!My god I'm a trooper for enduring London's olympic opening torture!

“好吧,”老伯伯边说边看着这个警官在不停地驱赶着几只苍蝇。"Yep, " the farmer said as he watched the trooper shoo away several flies.

较新的孩之宝包装上标明该士兵类别为“特境兵”。More recent Hasbro packaging identifies this trooper class as "EVO Trooper".

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我们从没讨论过州警伍腾是否应该继续任职。We never had a conversation on whether Trooper Wooten should be a trooper or not.

一位农民老伯伯正在拖着一车粪向前进,一个州警拦住了他。An old farmer was hauling a load of manure when he was stopped by a state trooper.

这位州警官看到我的衬衣上有当地一所高中的名字在上面。The state trooper noticed that my shirt had the name of a local high school on it.

摩尼根说他正在与州长的下属一起讨论州警伍腾的问题。Monegan says he was working with the Governor's staff over the issue of Trooper Wooten.

他在以100迈的速度沿着Mass,Pike前进,被州警察挡住。He is doing 100 miles an hour down the Mass Pike and gets pulled over by a State Trooper.

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我是一位来自阿拉斯加的州警察,一直接被叫到对调查猎捕麋…I'm a state trooper in Alaska, and I've been called to investigate many cases of poaching.

当斯洛怪兽第一次露面的时候,踩死了一个克隆人士兵,后者发出了一声独特的惨叫。When the Zillo beast first surfaces, it tramples a clone trooper who emits a peculiar scream.

布莱是ARC士兵阿尔法训练的第一代克隆人指挥官之一。Bly was one of the first generation of clone commanders to be trained by the ARC trooper Alpha.