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你成了印第安人了,是吗?You turned Injun ,didn't you ?

噢,对了,法官大人,印第安·乔还在洞里呐!Oh, Judge, Injun Joe's in the cave!

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这意味着,我有那么点的印第安血统。That means I got a little Injun in me.

那儿有荞麦饼和印地安饼糊。Dar's buckwheat cakes an' Injun batter.

哈克,我差点正踩上印第安·乔的手!Huck, I most stepped onto Injun Joe's hand!

汤姆惟恐印江?乔埃永远也捉拿不到。Tom was afraid Injun Joe would never be captured.

53印第安·乔的脸上迅速地闪过一丝嘲弄的微笑。A contemptuous smile flitted across Injun Joe's face.

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他现在觉得就是遇到印第安•乔和什么别的危险也不怕。He felt willing to risk Injun Joe and all other terrors.

3印第安·乔的那把猎刀还在他身边,刀刃已裂成两半。Injun Joe's bowie-knife lay close by, its blade broken in two.

对,不要财宝啦。印第安·乔的鬼魂就在附近,肯定在。Yes—leave it. Injun Joe's ghost is round about there, certain.

49看见印第安·乔那张冷酷的脸,汤姆舌头僵住了,讲不出话来。Tom glanced at Injun Joe's iron face and his tongue failed him.

可话说回来了,汤姆,现在乘印第安-乔还醉着,正是拿箱子的好机会。But say, Tom, now's a mighty good time to get that box, if Injun Joe's drunk.

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汤姆有力气开口说话时,便说出印第安人乔躲在洞穴里的事。When Tom gathers the strength to talk, he reveals that Injun Joe is in the cave.

他把矛头指向印第安人乔,这时乔从法院的窗户跳出去逃逸无踪。Tom points the finger at Injun Joe, who leaps out the courthouse window to freedom.

据说印第安·乔手里有五条人命案,可那又怎么样呢?Injun Joe was believed to have killed five citizens of the village, but what of that?

49“不错,不过还远不止这些。”印第安·乔边说边走到已经站了起来的医生面前。Yes, and you done more than that, " said Injun Joe, approaching the doctor, who was now standing."

最后,克雷顿.劳森在其善变的词汇一书中表示,这个词以前是用来反讽的,意思是说一个说自己诚实的印第安人实际上一点也不诚实。Finally, Hugh Rawson in his book Wicked Words feels the phrase used to be used derisively, meaning someone who was an honest injun wasn’t honest at all.

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印第安·乔手上拿着刀,站在那里,有点犹豫不决,片刻后他转身朝楼梯口走去,孩子们想起了壁橱,可现在却一点力气都没有。Injun Joe put his hand on his knife, halted a moment, undecided, and then turned toward the stairway. The boys thought of the closet, but their strength was gone.

他自言自语道,他要是还有气力回到泉水边,一定呆在那里,无论怎样,都不想再去冒险,碰上印第安·乔就完蛋了。He said to himself that if he had strength enough to get back to the spring he would stay there, and nothing should tempt him to run the risk of meeting Injun Joe again.

印第安·乔迅速地从地上爬起来,眼里燃烧着怒火,抓起波特扔在地上的那把刀,像猫似的,弯着腰悄悄地在两个打架的人周围转来转去,寻找着机会。Injun Joe sprang to his feet, his eyes flaming with passion, snatched up Potter's knife, and went creeping, catlike and stooping, round and round about the combatants, seeking an opportunity.