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这样边说边走,就把他带进加护病房去了。As she talked she led him into the ICU.

他谢过施奈德,来到特别护理病房。He thanked Schneider, then walked to the ICU.

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阿伦被允许独自去重病看护病房,探望他的女儿。York is taken into ICU alone to see his daughter.

方法回顾性分析ICU患者226例临床资料。Methods The records of 226 of ICU cases were reviewed.

星期一她送进了医院,安置在加护病房。On Monday she was taken to the hospital and placed in ICU.

星期一她送进了医院,安置在加护病房。On Monday she was taken into ICU and on Wednesday she died.

在过去两年里,青年党和伊斯兰法庭联盟的武装人员经常并肩作战。Al-Shabab and ICU fighters often fought side-by-side in the past two years.

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目前还不清楚在摩加迪沙的伊斯兰法庭联盟武装人员是否包括青年党成员。It is not known if the ICU militia in Mogadishu includes members of al-Shabab.

吸痰、理约束、CU环境、血等是外在应激源。Suctioning, physical restriction, ICU environment are extra personal stressors.

患者要么病情轻微,要么就病得很重,需要强效的重症护理。Patients are either mildly ill or critically ill and require aggressive ICU care.

李惠隆弟兄—一位特殊教育儿童导师,在加护病房的医疗费。Bro. Lawrence Lee – An educator for special children, for his medical fees in ICU.

在接受了两次手术和在重症监护病房护理八周之后,我开始进入康复过程。After two surgeries and eight more weeks in the ICU my rehabilitation process began.

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目的培养ICU护士的慎独精神,提高护理质量。Objective To train ICU nurses' carefulness trait and improve the quality of nursing.

目的探讨经皮气管切开术在ICU患者中的应用效果。Objective To study the percutaneous tracheotomy patients in the ICU application effect.

在英国和美国的研究显示,本就紧张的重症护理床位将不能满足需要。ICU space is already tight, and studies in the UK and US have found it may not be enough.

临床试验证实其在重症医学科谵妄预防和治疗中具有独特优势。Clinical trials have approved its advantages on prevention and control of delirium in ICU.

结论ICU收治病人的时间与住院病死率无关。Conclusion The hospital mortality is not associated with the day of week of ICU admission.

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更常见的情况是,病人在ICU时因低血压和脓毒症而继发肾衰。More often, patients develop renal failure in the ICU secondary to hypotension and sepsis.

目的评价采用目标教学对ICU带教老师进行短期培训的效果。Objective To assess the short-term effect of target teaching on the training of ICU teachers.

困扰重症护理师的是,当第二波病毒来袭时医院能否腾出足够多的床位。What haunts ICU doctors now is whether they will have enough beds for the coming second wave.