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多么操蛋的一天!What a fucking day !

他妈的功夫熊猫?…Fucking Kung-Fu pandas?

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你在跟我扯蛋吧?。Are you fucking with me?

他真是个该死的王八蛋.He is a fucking asshole.

你这个小骗子!You little fucking liar!

我只要真实的我。I'm fucking real hellboy!

我真他妈的难以置信。I can’t fucking believe it.

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去他妈的这群笨蛋农民。Fucking dipshit farmer fucks.

拿着一把他妈的苏格兰大剑。With a big fucking broadsword.

我踏马真希望地球能哭。I fucking hope the earth cried?

哇,这味道真他妈的好。Wow, it tastes so fucking good.

我不能相信她正在操他!I cant believe shes fucking him!

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我他妈嘴里全是水!I got fucking water in my mouth!

放开我,你这该死的混蛋!Let me go, you fucking arsehole!

嘿!我的儿子是“白痴。”Hey, my son is "fucking retarded.

我会把他们的猪脑敲开!I'll blow his fucking brains out!

该死的外国佬。放下枪!Hey, fucking gringo. Drop the gun!

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我娶了一个他妈的隐君子做老婆。I got a fucking junkie for a wife.

还有,他那时才他妈19岁!Plus, he was fucking 19-years-old!

太平太他妈小了!!Taiping is just too fucking small!