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这个计划非常详细。That was very detailed.

她向我详述了她的计划。She detailed her plans to me.

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内容非常详细。Some of them are very detailed.

建立一个详细的会员名单Create detailed membership lists

希望有识之士前来详细洽谈!Detailed i ight hope to negotiate!

闪亮金音详细的硬件。Shiny gold-tone detailed hardware.

该战士被指派执行某项任务。The soldier was detailed to some duty.

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“我们还没有具体的计划,”,他说道。"We have no detailed plans, " he said.

他选派一小队人执行特殊任务。He detailed a unit on a special service.

学生们没见过详细工资单。Students didn't see the detailed payroll.

越奇怪越详细越好。The weirder and more detailed the better.

过度详细的数据源到目标的映射。Overly detailed source-to-target mappings.

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这一次规模更大、工艺更精细。This one is bigger and much more detailed.

悬赏10分…具体的再加分…A reward 10points. Detailed again add cent.

问题开始变得越来越难,越来越细。The questions got harder and more detailed.

随函奉送详细报价单。We enclose herewith our detailed quotation.

有些道德守则含有非常详细的规定。Some codes of ethics are extremely detailed.

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这整本书是有关于那个犯罪活动的详尽报导。The book was a detailed report of the crime.

施工图详细、客观,是画给施工队看的。Working drawings are detailed and objective.

Nigel详述了SDS的兼容性目标Nigel detailed the compatibility goals of SDS